So I never lost consciousness as Bannister mentioned (see quote in yesterdays post) I might, never found that reserve of energy and power, never become one with nature or the track. What crap, I thought I would go out there tear up a mile, have an out of body experience, run sub 4 and gain a slot on the US team for 2012 Olympics. Instead, it was an experience of painful lactic acid swells, muscle fatigue, and general exhaustion. Oh well, I guess it is back to the office next week. I will keep looking for that continuum of space and time Banister mentioned was sure to come along. I will note that FT3 was noticeably missing from the first annual Cougar Miles. Maybe the following report will explain this absence...
Bombastic Report:
The CIF rule and regulations state that no high school football game may commence without a doctor on the sideline and ambulance either on call or on the campus. This is a simple rule generally utilized to ensure safety and quick response for any injured athlete. I am thinking that the local softball league may want to adopt this rule for the fall season. Apparently there was much carnage at last weeks game. Sounds like B may be on the DL for awhile and one other guy may require traction. No word on the outcome of the game, just notes about bodies strewn about. Hey boys, keep the rubber side down! You know things are bleak when Lars Over the Bars is telling you to stop crashing! We got a CX season the think about more injuries!
I did find a clip of me running the mile last night to share!
Upcoming rides:
Sunday at 7:30 meeting at the Bagel shop.
Tuesday 5:45 @ Mosquito
Sept 12th - Tahoe 100 and CX Cyclebration at Negro Bar
Until we ride,
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Cougar Miles
Come one come all, come out and see our new field and our new track this evening at the first running of the Cougar Miles. This is a community based event to see what you got under the hood.
Events start at 7:00pm with the Community Mile and then speed up from them, the main event open to anyone going sub 6:00 will probably be around 8:15. Strollers are welcome, sorry not bikes or scooters on the track.
Roger Bannister went sub 4 in May of 1954, what can you do today?
Until we ride (or run)
"No longer conscious of my movement, I discovered a new unity with nature. I had found a new source of power and beauty, a source I never dreamt existed." (Bannister)
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I think Cap'n caught this on the Ocho last night. He claims he was only watching World Team Dodgeball and Full Contact Curling, but I think he likes those snazzy leotards!
And you guys gave me a hard time for spending countless hours searching the youtube for fun videos...
Ran for 22 min yesterday...time for a comeback!
Until we ride,
And you guys gave me a hard time for spending countless hours searching the youtube for fun videos...
Ran for 22 min yesterday...time for a comeback!
Until we ride,
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Phantom Ride Report
In all honesty, I have to admit that I am actually sleeping really well. Elliot Yaroslav Lancelot Hincapie (do you consider yourself Latino) Barnes has been a very mellow dude for is first week of life. He is indeed an eating, sleeping, nursing machine with a built in poop pump that appears to be malfunctioning in the "on" position. Furthermore, my morning routine has been pretty pleasant as well. I am getting up pretty early, getting the coffee going, lots of coffee, and a little more coffee please, packing Jackson's lunch, getting breakfast going for everyone and drinking a little more coffee. All of this done to the soothing sounds of NPR keeping me abreast of the world that I could probably easily forget was spinning a whirling dervish outside the front door.
A moment for a digression: the above is all true fact aside from the news on the NPR this morning. I was saddened to hear of the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy. This is no way is a political posting on a sometimes political blog. However in our discussions of men and general manhood Teddy Kennedy was a noble man and a genuine servant well deserving of a note here in this silly bike blog. It is good to know that regardless of your political persuasion, Teddy Kennedy's life is a reminder that there are those out there always willing to fight the good fight!
Back to my morning routine: I did venture forth this morning into that whirlwind of life outside the portal of our child cr
azy domicile with a overloaded bag of diapers in hand. My route to the garbage brought the shed into view. It was only for a second, but that second was all it took. There, hanging in the window of the shed was the unmistakable image of a bicycle. In the morning haze, it did not matter, nor was it determinable, which bicycle it was, just that that it was there, hung from a hook, waiting, waiting to ride again. It was at that moment, with a bag of diapers in hand, groggy eyes, and a lingering sense of survival that it occurred to me, I haven't exercised in a long long time.
I made my deposit and returned homeward knowing that my tasks were many and the minutes were few. However, I did return with a pledge to myself. Today, this fine Wednesday, late in August, would be the day I got back on my feet for some exercise. It purifies the sole and clears the mind to tackle the next diaper or challenge that comes my way. And god knows I need some purity and clarity! I may not be able to sneak in a ride anytime soon, but damn me if I can't run around the block with the dog!
For those of you who made the ride last night, know that there are others amongst the sleepy houses you saw returning to town, jealous of that simple pleasure of a bike ride.
As for the real ride report...Mmmmm sounds interesting...maybe we will have to wait a bit for that one. In the end we are lucky to have such a ride, crazy as it may be...
Until we ride,
A moment for a digression: the above is all true fact aside from the news on the NPR this morning. I was saddened to hear of the passing of Sen. Ted Kennedy. This is no way is a political posting on a sometimes political blog. However in our discussions of men and general manhood Teddy Kennedy was a noble man and a genuine servant well deserving of a note here in this silly bike blog. It is good to know that regardless of your political persuasion, Teddy Kennedy's life is a reminder that there are those out there always willing to fight the good fight!

I made my deposit and returned homeward knowing that my tasks were many and the minutes were few. However, I did return with a pledge to myself. Today, this fine Wednesday, late in August, would be the day I got back on my feet for some exercise. It purifies the sole and clears the mind to tackle the next diaper or challenge that comes my way. And god knows I need some purity and clarity! I may not be able to sneak in a ride anytime soon, but damn me if I can't run around the block with the dog!
For those of you who made the ride last night, know that there are others amongst the sleepy houses you saw returning to town, jealous of that simple pleasure of a bike ride.
As for the real ride report...Mmmmm sounds interesting...maybe we will have to wait a bit for that one. In the end we are lucky to have such a ride, crazy as it may be...
Until we ride,
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday Again?!?!?!
Yeah, I am out. But the ride goes on...
All are well in the Barnes house. Elliot Matthew Barnes is doing great, Cap'n you can still call him Lance if you want. We all know he will ride a bike like Lance so the nickname will work. Just so you all know, Herb Elliot was undefeated in international racing from 1958-1962 in the 1500 and mile (yes running) in addition, Elliot won the 1960 gold medal and set a world record in Mexico City.
5:45 at Mosquito...Exit 54
Zero...although I might chase some cheese
Until we ride,
All are well in the Barnes house. Elliot Matthew Barnes is doing great, Cap'n you can still call him Lance if you want. We all know he will ride a bike like Lance so the nickname will work. Just so you all know, Herb Elliot was undefeated in international racing from 1958-1962 in the 1500 and mile (yes running) in addition, Elliot won the 1960 gold medal and set a world record in Mexico City.
5:45 at Mosquito...Exit 54
Zero...although I might chase some cheese
Until we ride,
Friday, August 21, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What we are all about...
The love and joy found moving a bike are about as old as time!
Granted we ride bikes, but as always FT3 is about a whole lot more than just riding bikes. First
off, I would like to offer up a warm welcome to CarFree and the Wizard, the two new members of the FT3 family that showed up and threw down last night. It took a reminder from Rock God to get us onto the qualifier, and yes, both CarFree and Wizard easily met the task at hand. Furthermore, Wizard was using some willy conjuring skills to create the only HID light left in the group. We will keep him around for when it really gets dark.
FT3 is also about tomorrow, the next ride, the next race, coming milestones, momentous occasions, and grandiose plans. On that front, remember that there is always a Tuesday meeting at 5:45, always a Sunday ride at 7:30, and usually someone up for a ride at any moment (Sorry I couldn't make it tonight B). Oh yeah, as for races...Ghostrider's throwing down on Sept. 12th in Tahoe, many of us are gearing up for CX season ("Gotta get a carbon frame"), and I may still throw some running races in there as well. One more thing, who is in for the Epic Adventure of FT3 in Portland this year? Almost forgot, rumors were flying around the Knot Hole last night about an upcoming wedding, say like around Halloween, for a on again off again FT3 rider that may or may not ride a SS and may or may not live in Utah? Any details to share?
FT3 needs to be about now. For many, the simple formation of a riding group in Placerville is something worth celebrating. And today, in this moment, I can't think of something I rather do on Tuesday's and Sunday's than haul ass with the boys of FT3.
So what does this all mean to me? Well, here I am sitting at home on a stinking hot Wednesday evening, waiting for a baby and wondering when I will ride again. Lar's legs are shaved and he is ready to go! Cross season is right around the corner and I have a marathon and a 50k on the calendar as well. But mostly, I still can't believe I have actually made Placerville a home and found a group to ride with here. Looks like we might be staying put for awhile. Although we may run into a need for a larger house soon, like tomorrow.
Men of FT3 we are simply bond by a common goal: Good rides today, good rides tomorrow and good rides always.
"We are living at an important and fruitful moment now, for it is clear to men that the images of adult manhood given by the popular culture are worn out; a man can no longer depend on them. By the time a man is thirty-five he knows that the images of the right man, the tough man, the true man which he received in high school do not work in life." Robert Bly
Until we ride,
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War!
"Let me have me have men about me that are fat;
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o'nights.
Yond, FT3 Rider has a lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.."
Fellow FT3 riders, be warned, the CX season is fast approaching and with it comes the gauntlet of fear. I find myself weekly in the dangerous company of lean and hungry racers. With events looming on the near horizon, let us not dally in violation of rule #1 and talk our way through a ride. Nay, lets us attack the trails and battle the inner demons that hold the racer down. We few, we proud, we skinny dorks on bikes need to rise and conquer.
One sleek rider I fear
the most
Mosquito @5:45...Exit 54?
One, unless a baby is born in the next few hours.
Until we ride again,
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o'nights.
Yond, FT3 Rider has a lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.."
Fellow FT3 riders, be warned, the CX season is fast approaching and with it comes the gauntlet of fear. I find myself weekly in the dangerous company of lean and hungry racers. With events looming on the near horizon, let us not dally in violation of rule #1 and talk our way through a ride. Nay, lets us attack the trails and battle the inner demons that hold the racer down. We few, we proud, we skinny dorks on bikes need to rise and conquer.
One sleek rider I fear
Mosquito @5:45...Exit 54?
One, unless a baby is born in the next few hours.
Until we ride again,
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Monday, Tuesday, Happy Days
Yet another weekend come and gone. This weekend appeared to be anything be calm for the FT3 crew. Although there was no major group outing, there were indeed several smaller outings, and activities buzzing.
The Barnes household is hoping every day that a baby will come along. But alas it appeared there would be no baby this weekend. I methodically plugged through my honey do list on Saturday and freed myself up for an evening outing. B and I got in about 1:40:o0 on the road bikes. We had a good loop and decided to come back to town on the new section of bike trail. As we rolled out B stated, "yeah I rode it last night, it is paved to Missouri Flat." Well my friends, I am not sure what B rode the night before, but it wasn't this trail! The trail is nowhere near Mo Flat yet. Not to fear, CX season is just around the corner and the dirt looked nice. The trail is paved just past the new bridge, and although it will take away from the mid winter CX adventures, this is a great new trail. We ended with 4 intervals on Toyota hill, searing legs and lungs and a heart beat you could take by sight, indicated that the ride was a success. I did get a call from Rock God mid ride to say that he was tearing it up out on the coast in his old stomping grounds. Mmmmm is the source of that Bonny Doon fire solved yet?
Ghostrider took off early for a family flume fun fest! No report yet, but no fest of fun even with family that occurs on the flume can be all that bad.
The morning hours are tough for the green light these days, so I took off on dawn patrol via foot to get in a good run...I know its a bike blog, but I do like to run. I ended my run at the bagel shop to wish happy trails to Cap'n and Bambi as they represented for a Sunday road ride. Cap'n stated that he was in for a double with some wakeboarding coming that afternoon. Bambi was interested in the running getup and I think he is going to start busting the short running shorts. I highly recommend them when you are wheelin. I am sure the fine male specimen up there on the Rubicon would appreciate a nice split side running short. Or maybe it would just be your encouragement to run REALLY FAST.
Upcoming Dates/Events:
-I am really hoping to get out for Tuesday's ride. B is bringing a new member who sports the email no_car@... Sounds legit, and no it is not the guy on the Cannondale with Zipps busting around town. The quiver is not looking good these days, it might have the be the Mt. Tek limping through the ride.
-7:30 at the Bagel Shop on Sundays is the standard unless otherwise informed for the weekly road ride.
-No movement yet on the FT3 van hookup. However, B and I discussed the maiden voyage. We were thinking an "Old School" style kidnapping of NoHandle was in order. I don't even mind posting it on the blog and potentially giving it away. That guy has been AWOL so long he either forgot how to ride a bike or is suffering a slow avalanche style suffocation via packing paper and boxes.
-Ghostrider has the Knot Hole logo and should be moving on kits soon. If you need a hand just say the word, I know a handful of guys looking forward to racing cross as FT3.
-LA not a bad year, 3rd at the tour and a crushing smack down at Leadville. Say what you will, the man can ride a bike.
-P'ville Tour de Steeps???? Dates???? Thoughts????
-Saw a sign for the Folsom Cyclebration today while running errands. You know what that means. Sept 12th is the first regional CX a little teaser to get your minds right.
See all you "skinny dorks" on Tuesday,
Until we ride again,
The Barnes household is hoping every day that a baby will come along. But alas it appeared there would be no baby this weekend. I methodically plugged through my honey do list on Saturday and freed myself up for an evening outing. B and I got in about 1:40:o0 on the road bikes. We had a good loop and decided to come back to town on the new section of bike trail. As we rolled out B stated, "yeah I rode it last night, it is paved to Missouri Flat." Well my friends, I am not sure what B rode the night before, but it wasn't this trail! The trail is nowhere near Mo Flat yet. Not to fear, CX season is just around the corner and the dirt looked nice. The trail is paved just past the new bridge, and although it will take away from the mid winter CX adventures, this is a great new trail. We ended with 4 intervals on Toyota hill, searing legs and lungs and a heart beat you could take by sight, indicated that the ride was a success. I did get a call from Rock God mid ride to say that he was tearing it up out on the coast in his old stomping grounds. Mmmmm is the source of that Bonny Doon fire solved yet?
Ghostrider took off early for a family flume fun fest! No report yet, but no fest of fun even with family that occurs on the flume can be all that bad.
The morning hours are tough for the green light these days, so I took off on dawn patrol via foot to get in a good run...I know its a bike blog, but I do like to run. I ended my run at the bagel shop to wish happy trails to Cap'n and Bambi as they represented for a Sunday road ride. Cap'n stated that he was in for a double with some wakeboarding coming that afternoon. Bambi was interested in the running getup and I think he is going to start busting the short running shorts. I highly recommend them when you are wheelin. I am sure the fine male specimen up there on the Rubicon would appreciate a nice split side running short. Or maybe it would just be your encouragement to run REALLY FAST.
Upcoming Dates/Events:
-I am really hoping to get out for Tuesday's ride. B is bringing a new member who sports the email no_car@... Sounds legit, and no it is not the guy on the Cannondale with Zipps busting around town. The quiver is not looking good these days, it might have the be the Mt. Tek limping through the ride.
-7:30 at the Bagel Shop on Sundays is the standard unless otherwise informed for the weekly road ride.
-No movement yet on the FT3 van hookup. However, B and I discussed the maiden voyage. We were thinking an "Old School" style kidnapping of NoHandle was in order. I don't even mind posting it on the blog and potentially giving it away. That guy has been AWOL so long he either forgot how to ride a bike or is suffering a slow avalanche style suffocation via packing paper and boxes.
-Ghostrider has the Knot Hole logo and should be moving on kits soon. If you need a hand just say the word, I know a handful of guys looking forward to racing cross as FT3.
-LA not a bad year, 3rd at the tour and a crushing smack down at Leadville. Say what you will, the man can ride a bike.
-P'ville Tour de Steeps???? Dates???? Thoughts????
-Saw a sign for the Folsom Cyclebration today while running errands. You know what that means. Sept 12th is the first regional CX a little teaser to get your minds right.
See all you "skinny dorks" on Tuesday,
Until we ride again,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
All about Performance!
The Performance video is making fast rounds on the YouTube! Excellent work Cap'n getting the ball rolling on that! I was remembering today the string of windy cold winter rides we took last year and the feeling I had that I would never be warm again. Well now I am awaiting the day that my water bottles are not full of hot water by the bottom of Big Cut.
Team PBR:
The fall season kicks off tonight and team PBR (the softball branch of the greater FT3 family) is poised for greatness. I believe tonight's game kicks off at 8:30. Ummm babe, Ducks in the pound, atta kid!
Weekend Ride:
I am probably not going to make a ride on Sunday morning. But our old location for meeting is back up and running. The bagel shop did a pretty good job as well and it is pretty nice in there. Coffee is good and there are still tables and chairs outside for gathering cyclists. Tradition is tradition and Sunday rides are one worth keeping! So, lets say 7:30 for anyone who wants a road ride on Sunday morning.
Blog Update:
The current system is working just fine for now and we can look to expanding the reach of the FT3 realm at some point. I have a feeling I am going to be a bit busy for the next little bit, so I probably will not change anything for a little while.
It may make me look girlie, but I do love my fixie!
Until we ride again!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
FT3 Thrills with Mad Skills
The thrill, excitement and occasional drama of the FT3 outings never cease to amaze. Last night’s ride featured a first of the wildest proportions. Whilst riding along Park Creek road what was first thought to be a deer tracking parallel atop a leftward hillside vantage point was indeed not a deer but rather a large black bear. B’s keen forest eyes were the first to make the determination and call out, immediately the other FT3 riders including Xteric, Cap’n, Ghost and VD halted to a stop. It was at that time that Mr. Bear realized he was among the FT3 riders, not just some pansy weekend warrior group akin to the one’s passed earlier in the ride. Being among the FT3 presence, Mr. Bear decided to show off his sweet MacAskill skills by attempting a backflip off a tree. He made the run up quite well, with an astounding bunny hop, but couldn’t pull the flip off. Instead he impressed us with a bounding leap off the tree and an astonishing acceleration up the hill. We decided at that time that he was more of a climber than a trials master. While the encounter with “Mad Skills” the bear was exhilarating, so too was the anticipation of whether or not VD was going to puke.
The route took us up the qualifier across Park Creek to Hazel Creek Rd. to the Flume. We chose to bail early to the climb by taking the Honk You Dirt Dave cutoff in honor of Bambi’s weird person magnetism. Atop the climb the descent down Wedding March was good, good and dusty, and it was beginning to get dark so we had to ‘shoulder’ those riders who were without lights. We kept checking, and yes, VD was up the rear. Riders, it is time to start bringing lights!
Tacos were good, service fast, Knott Hole was mysteriously empty, and the Cap’n’s Salsa Fresca offering was well received. Matilda or Melinda also made a good showing and the Berzerker made its rounds. The group was collectively pleased that the Pepper Plant and Mezzetta Habi was back in stock. VD made his attempt at earning a hot sauce man card by taking a taste of the Berzerker - the jury is still out. There was a bit of talk about the pending cross season and Ghost’s need for a cross bike. The Knott Hole produced the logo and the FT3 jersey’s will soon be a reality. There was discussion about the blog, unknown and mysterious blog watchers and administrator rights. We pondered whether there are some Swedish chicks regularly reading the blog, and we are sure they are. Might be some paramilitary men as well. Seems there is a movement afoot to allow more posting by the collective creative FT3 mass than just Lars. Apparently the comment field is not cutting it as Xteric at one point was like, “is there more going on on the blog than just the write ups?” Never mind the fact that he is computer challenged. The hidden comment field is keeping some good rider-writers down. It is notable that B showed up with a 12 pack of PBR light on ice, which was well received both before and after the ride.
Until we ride again,
Note from the editor:
I see that there is no appreciation for the hard work involved in a strict blog schedule. I try my best and this is the thanks I receive? I know for a fact several wives frequent the blog, as do some out of town friends, the occasional bike geek, and my family, but if my efforts are not enough...go right on ahead and start a public blog and I will go back to my tri team blog (see April 1st posting for 2009). In all seriousness, I am totally open to input on blog, design, and scheme. My own hesitation to a public blog is just that, it is public (to all FT3 and anyone else)...someone has to start it and take some editorial position. I am not really sure I want to be in charge of a public blog...that might come back to haunt me. Multiple authors can be done...I will look into how many authors you can have without creating an open forum. Until I blog again, Peter Pissy Pants.
FT3 Team Car: We did discuss a team car on the XP ride last week. A few members got really excited about the prospect of a team van...think late 80's Econliner or Astrovan...any ideas.
Best YouTube ever...If the Portland Trip goes we can visit some of the filming locations.
Until we ride again (stop stealing my sign off)
The route took us up the qualifier across Park Creek to Hazel Creek Rd. to the Flume. We chose to bail early to the climb by taking the Honk You Dirt Dave cutoff in honor of Bambi’s weird person magnetism. Atop the climb the descent down Wedding March was good, good and dusty, and it was beginning to get dark so we had to ‘shoulder’ those riders who were without lights. We kept checking, and yes, VD was up the rear. Riders, it is time to start bringing lights!
Tacos were good, service fast, Knott Hole was mysteriously empty, and the Cap’n’s Salsa Fresca offering was well received. Matilda or Melinda also made a good showing and the Berzerker made its rounds. The group was collectively pleased that the Pepper Plant and Mezzetta Habi was back in stock. VD made his attempt at earning a hot sauce man card by taking a taste of the Berzerker - the jury is still out. There was a bit of talk about the pending cross season and Ghost’s need for a cross bike. The Knott Hole produced the logo and the FT3 jersey’s will soon be a reality. There was discussion about the blog, unknown and mysterious blog watchers and administrator rights. We pondered whether there are some Swedish chicks regularly reading the blog, and we are sure they are. Might be some paramilitary men as well. Seems there is a movement afoot to allow more posting by the collective creative FT3 mass than just Lars. Apparently the comment field is not cutting it as Xteric at one point was like, “is there more going on on the blog than just the write ups?” Never mind the fact that he is computer challenged. The hidden comment field is keeping some good rider-writers down. It is notable that B showed up with a 12 pack of PBR light on ice, which was well received both before and after the ride.
Until we ride again,
Note from the editor:
I see that there is no appreciation for the hard work involved in a strict blog schedule. I try my best and this is the thanks I receive? I know for a fact several wives frequent the blog, as do some out of town friends, the occasional bike geek, and my family, but if my efforts are not enough...go right on ahead and start a public blog and I will go back to my tri team blog (see April 1st posting for 2009). In all seriousness, I am totally open to input on blog, design, and scheme. My own hesitation to a public blog is just that, it is public (to all FT3 and anyone else)...someone has to start it and take some editorial position. I am not really sure I want to be in charge of a public blog...that might come back to haunt me. Multiple authors can be done...I will look into how many authors you can have without creating an open forum. Until I blog again, Peter Pissy Pants.
FT3 Team Car: We did discuss a team car on the XP ride last week. A few members got really excited about the prospect of a team van...think late 80's Econliner or Astrovan...any ideas.
Best YouTube ever...If the Portland Trip goes we can visit some of the filming locations.
Until we ride again (stop stealing my sign off)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Ride 64 or 65? I will have to go back through and count again...they start adding up and its easy to loose track. Big weekend on the FT3 front: NoHandle got moved and a good group of us took down the Pony Express (XP) trail. Great ride on the "not so well marked" and "not so well advertised" new trail connecting Echo to Ice House via mostly single track and dirt roads. I would say the split was about 70/30 single track, but then again I was seeing double by the end so my dead reckoning may be dead wrong. Although it is a net downhill run, the deep sand and steep climbs make the ride much harder than it appears. Ghostrider, B, Bambi, and I all left P'ville bright and early to drop a car and Ice House and head west. We met Taco Spawn atop Echo and headed out into the unknown. B had done the trail before and took the roll of ride leader, equipped with a GPS he played the part well. The ride has several distinct features, not to worry, there is at least one "Pain Cave" entrance upon each section. We hit some high alpine stuff, some deep forest sections, some burned out areas, a couple of dirt roads, deep sandy climbs, and a final section of dirt road that I could have swore I saw Jesus all, well over 4 hours in the saddle and a good day had by all. The Barnes family plan back fired, my better half thought if I was out on a ride the baby would definitely come along, but alas no baby yet. We will see what this weekend has in store...
It has occurred to me we have not fashioned an epic, poetic, Shakespearean call-out in sometime...I will get the creative juices boiling for next week.
Mosquito @ 5:45...Exit 54?
Zero (I might be out for a few weeks as the family grows by one)
Hope you enjoy the images from the weekend. Sorry NoHandle we missed the photos of your move.

B clearing the morning cobwebs with some hair of the dog!

B's HFTU nutritional game plan.

The High Alpine stuff had some sweet spots!

Everyone ones a critic:
FYI: The plaque "behind you" stated the campground had been improved thanks to a large donation!

"If these are baby heads, I don't want to see the babies."

"Anyone seen Lars?"

A much needed break for food! My legs could have sparked a new fire!

The final push. Damn, that is a good looking red kit on that guy!
Until we ride again:
It has occurred to me we have not fashioned an epic, poetic, Shakespearean call-out in sometime...I will get the creative juices boiling for next week.
Mosquito @ 5:45...Exit 54?
Zero (I might be out for a few weeks as the family grows by one)
Hope you enjoy the images from the weekend. Sorry NoHandle we missed the photos of your move.
B clearing the morning cobwebs with some hair of the dog!
B's HFTU nutritional game plan.
The High Alpine stuff had some sweet spots!
Everyone ones a critic:
FYI: The plaque "behind you" stated the campground had been improved thanks to a large donation!
"If these are baby heads, I don't want to see the babies."
"Anyone seen Lars?"
A much needed break for food! My legs could have sparked a new fire!
The final push. Damn, that is a good looking red kit on that guy!
XP Trail from Matthew Barnes on Vimeo.
Until we ride again:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ride Report
Xteric, B, and I made up the outing last night. The hype over having Utah back in town was put on the back burner by the fact he miss read the blog and took off before we even got to the Knot Hole. Oh well, the pressure of having to keep up with FT3 pace is just too much for some folks...There is some talk of hooking up with Utah for either Pony Express on Sunday or FT3 next week.
The three FT3 riders took the opportunity of a small group to throw down a hard ride at a good clip. We rolled up the qualifier, down wedding march and rock garden, around the lake to the benches, up the horse trail, down to back door and home via road kill. Even with B on board, we had NO MECHANICALS or flats to slow us done. I think three is the smallest roll out is some time, but yet the streak continues. Via news from his dad, we knew Utah was out there somewhere, but we never saw him.
Taco Report:
The Hole was a bit crowded when we got there and there was a large group of Frenchies and Aliens at the fire ring. Utah did join us for the taco event, however, he pulled a zero beer order and used his real name...weak sauce man! The friendly bartender actually produced her own hot sauce contribution, a taste of the Caribbean made with lots of good stuff and carrots?!?!? Ghost and Cap'n joined for the taco portion of the night. The were almost unable to join us as a felony charge was looming over their head. Clearly in the state of fiscal crisis that the state of California is in, the rangers of our pristine forests have been forced to confront the most hardened criminals at the reservoirs and campgrounds in the Sierra's. Cap'n had the talk his way out of a surely hard sentence for allowing his dog to swim in Sly Park Lake!!!!!!! The nerve of some people. Cap'n, are you not aware of the serious impact of this situation? I am almost embarrassed to have you in the group. You dog could have potentially gotten some much needed exercise and could have also positively added to your general lake experience, thus causing you to invite more people to the lake to pay fees and generally stimulate the Pollock Pine's economy. Additionally, if everyone let their own dogs swim in the lake, maybe dogs would be less likely to chase cars, bikers, and runners as they too would have some exercise. Clearly backwoods marijuana fields, firework sparked forest fires and the such take a back seat to brazen criminal activity like allowing your dog to swim in a lake! Geesh, some people! However getting both himself and his pooch out of the slammer, Cap'n did entertain us with stupid pet tricks of over the chair, through the chair, and attack the chair, good fun.
Team PBR updated update:
Apparently I did not give B credit where credit was due. It sounds like the single A farm team The Mudville Slingers had a scout at the game last week. After witnessing B sacrifice his body for diving catches, they are going to make the call and give B a shot at the big leagues. Additionally, it sounds as if Rock's and Ghost's contributions were equally heroic, although neither were able to produce scars from their efforts.
Sunday Ride:
I am petitioning this one pretty hard at home and feel that I might get a shot at a green light. Anyway, it is sounding like a pretty early P'ville departure 6:30ish. A first meeting a Cleveland Corral to drop some cars for the shuttle, and then a trip up to Echo for the ride. B estimated the ride to be in the 4 - 5 hour range. With the shuttle, it will be an all day event. Sounds like Ghost, B, Utah, and possible Rock God are in. I am yo-yoing off the back on my commitment.
So here is a shot at ride corrdination via blog:
Meeting @ 6:30 am at Mosquito Park and Ride.
Cleveland Corral around 7:00 ish.
Echo at about 8:30
Riding by 9:00 am
Moving Day:
NoHandles moving fun starts at 8:30 on Saturday Morning! If you can help I am sure he would appreciate it. Maybe if we get him moved he might be able to ride a bike again.
Until we ride again,
The three FT3 riders took the opportunity of a small group to throw down a hard ride at a good clip. We rolled up the qualifier, down wedding march and rock garden, around the lake to the benches, up the horse trail, down to back door and home via road kill. Even with B on board, we had NO MECHANICALS or flats to slow us done. I think three is the smallest roll out is some time, but yet the streak continues. Via news from his dad, we knew Utah was out there somewhere, but we never saw him.
Taco Report:
The Hole was a bit crowded when we got there and there was a large group of Frenchies and Aliens at the fire ring. Utah did join us for the taco event, however, he pulled a zero beer order and used his real name...weak sauce man! The friendly bartender actually produced her own hot sauce contribution, a taste of the Caribbean made with lots of good stuff and carrots?!?!? Ghost and Cap'n joined for the taco portion of the night. The were almost unable to join us as a felony charge was looming over their head. Clearly in the state of fiscal crisis that the state of California is in, the rangers of our pristine forests have been forced to confront the most hardened criminals at the reservoirs and campgrounds in the Sierra's. Cap'n had the talk his way out of a surely hard sentence for allowing his dog to swim in Sly Park Lake!!!!!!! The nerve of some people. Cap'n, are you not aware of the serious impact of this situation? I am almost embarrassed to have you in the group. You dog could have potentially gotten some much needed exercise and could have also positively added to your general lake experience, thus causing you to invite more people to the lake to pay fees and generally stimulate the Pollock Pine's economy. Additionally, if everyone let their own dogs swim in the lake, maybe dogs would be less likely to chase cars, bikers, and runners as they too would have some exercise. Clearly backwoods marijuana fields, firework sparked forest fires and the such take a back seat to brazen criminal activity like allowing your dog to swim in a lake! Geesh, some people! However getting both himself and his pooch out of the slammer, Cap'n did entertain us with stupid pet tricks of over the chair, through the chair, and attack the chair, good fun.
Team PBR updated update:
Apparently I did not give B credit where credit was due. It sounds like the single A farm team The Mudville Slingers had a scout at the game last week. After witnessing B sacrifice his body for diving catches, they are going to make the call and give B a shot at the big leagues. Additionally, it sounds as if Rock's and Ghost's contributions were equally heroic, although neither were able to produce scars from their efforts.
Sunday Ride:
I am petitioning this one pretty hard at home and feel that I might get a shot at a green light. Anyway, it is sounding like a pretty early P'ville departure 6:30ish. A first meeting a Cleveland Corral to drop some cars for the shuttle, and then a trip up to Echo for the ride. B estimated the ride to be in the 4 - 5 hour range. With the shuttle, it will be an all day event. Sounds like Ghost, B, Utah, and possible Rock God are in. I am yo-yoing off the back on my commitment.
So here is a shot at ride corrdination via blog:
Meeting @ 6:30 am at Mosquito Park and Ride.
Cleveland Corral around 7:00 ish.
Echo at about 8:30
Riding by 9:00 am
Moving Day:
NoHandles moving fun starts at 8:30 on Saturday Morning! If you can help I am sure he would appreciate it. Maybe if we get him moved he might be able to ride a bike again.
Until we ride again,
Monday, August 3, 2009
Biking meets Tech Geek!

Tuesday call out:
Founding member OG aka Utah Boy aka Taco Spawn is in town. Should be a good ride, hopefully hitting some new trails. There is a loop atop Barnes Back that has elude us for some time that maybe is time to hit. Many of you have been busy with summer business as of late and some are still busy. We will keep the flame burning bright as FT3 rolls on. Capn and I did learn over the weekend that the curiously absent team from the 24 hour race this year has been scared out of the geared category and is revamping to take a run at the SS division. I say bring it on, gears, single cog, or unicycle...the 50 corridor team has nothing to fear!

Team PBR Update:
The season ended with improved play but no run at the pennant. However, in the greatest moments of need, FT3 rallied for the team providing three players over a few different games. Ghost, B, and Rock God all showed true FT3 by HTFUing and partaking in some true American Past time! As Cap'n stated, "I have never been more proud of FT3 than seeing those guys man up for some high stakes slow pitch softball!"
Fixie Riding:

Mosquito @ 5:45...Exit 54??
Upcoming Rides:
NoHandle Moving party Sat all day ish
Pony Express Ride Sunday early am departure...takers?
Tour de Steeps??? Still on the drawing board.
Got some running events coming up, but I will not clog the blog with silly running stuff.
Mosquito Ridge Ride from Matthew Barnes on Vimeo.

Until we ride again,
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