Tuesday, September 23, 2014


  1. Enigmatic post, B. Could mean "O for Ok, as in looks ok to ride tonight in spite of the nearby raging inferno" or, could mean "0 as in goose egg, zero" which would be a sad rider count indeed. I actually wasn't planning on riding but could be swayed if others will ride. Anyone have a smoke report / probability of becoming engulfed in flames? PC

    1. "wasn't planning on riding but could be swayed"???

      Sounds like you're about to wade into the Peter pool. I recommend a solid dose of FT3.

    2. Agreed; a solid dose is just what the doctor ordered. Been hanging out with Peter way too much lately.

  2. Ok, I see now. Your image was a zero, indicating your absence from this evening's event. I would like to recognize the heroic effort you made to post a call-out for tonight's ride, which nobody else could apparently manage. I am non-committal at this point, but might show if DTI indicators warrant.

  3. I was hoping for a Cappy's B'day ride report. Seems like there may have been some weather. Which would have been sweet.

  4. I'll be up there in some fashion. Not sure if pre ride is an option.

  5. Going to be a high preBR / rider ratio this evening.

    1. is that, like, a fraction? I only know percentages (like ABV, for example)

  6. What about RG? Does he still know how to ride a bicycle?

    1. just flag out a techy, zig zag course around the knot lot and that should draw him

    2. by the way - sweet vid last week, RG. Was that in fact your own p.o.v. or that of a fellow moto rider?

  7. The Echo to Echo Cappy birthday ride report goes like this: Start at Echo Summit, drop some radness, then climb some radness, then drop more rad, then climb some smokey goodness, then shred some twisty, big air, rain laden sickness. From Meyers we traveled up our own private paved highway while we enjoyed "one extra ounce" until we arrived safely back on top of Echo Summit.

  8. Dude totally rad account Xteric. I hope your apathy and fear of smoke didnt get in the way of rain laden dirt trails in Polly. Although it prob will take several hard rains to do the job.
