After the group had beers to deal with the important and unanticipated recall of our fearless leader (not to mention B’s lack of preparedness), NoHandle was designated ride leader, and Ghost, Cap’n, NoCar, Who’s Tyler, VD and B all took the Hiccup Trail from the Parking lot over to the Horse Compound where B and I introduced all the other riders to a new steep, sweet technical descent. While NoHandle and I were trading turns up front we heard the sounds of an air born rider followed by a loud ‘crack!” that could only be explained by bike hitting rock. Ghost went OTB, this time it was not you Larz. He came out OK, but will probably have a sore hand. Indeed, as B and I warned, this descent is the most technical one the area has to offer. After that we poped out on MI Trail and then rode the classic Fleming loop counter clockwise. Ghost saw a skunk in the trail. At the Fleming parking lot, the chatty group decided to take the road option up to the left lip and there was much discussion about several important topics including calculus and local politics. The left lip was exciting, traction at a premium. Then NoHandle made the call for a classic lake loop. One camper was sighted and we rolled to the Knott. Knott discussion was lively, although there was some mourning about the recall of our leader, and the Taco Bitch was missed. Ghost produced the “Elliot’s Fever” Habi hot sauce which went over quite well. There was discussion about the a potential Veterans Day “super ride” involving an overnighter at Sly Park or more likely the Knott Parking lot. There was also discussion about a September 2010 three day stage MTB race, but it was decided that we should not plan that far ahead and rather should focus on Veteran’s day first. I think there was some new bylaw that was presented, but I don’t recall.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Looks like I am in for the ride. Trails still should be primed for a good ride. Preliminary counts are for a solid showing by the FT3 classic crew.
Weekend update:
NoHandle and I got in a good CX ride on Sunday. No real race practice but a solid outing on some good trails. The location and future return will be tabled for taco discussion.
Cap'n, B, and NoCar all took down the Rock Creek/Mosquito ride. Yes, three FT3 guys doing the same ride, that's right, at three different times.
Let's hope for a good night sleep with no one prayer to the porcelain god tonight.
Until we ride,
Friday, October 23, 2009
Intersection of Politics and Roads
Until we ride,
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Blogging off the back
Riders Reporting to Duty:
For the first fast, tacky, ample traction ride, the showing was pretty light. B, NoCar, Bambi, and I all met NoHandle at the trail head. Feeling pretty confident with the trail conditions, but unsure of the temps, we headed out for the first of now many 100% lite rides. That's right my friends, aside from Bambies finicky light, we were all fully illuminated from the parking lot. We dropped right down to the lake loop and then headed south circling the lake in counter clockwise direction. At the new trail, Flemming, classic lake loop junction, we headed on a classic route continuing our route round the lake. This classic route quickly changed for hard switch back on to the new horse trail section leading back to the new parking lot. We started up Rufus' Rise and then peeled off at the horse lot and dropped into Flemming, we achieved the goal of a steady up and down route by climbing the first portion of Mt. Flemming and then dropping back down the dirt road and climbing and then dropping back to the Flemming parking lot. I was processing much thought along the tail and regularlly forgot to announce directional changes. This added much excitement! In the Flemming parking lot we encounted Search and Rescue doing yet another training exercise! This time we were not lectured and rolled over the Red Neck Rising. B, showing good form on the the SSCX, was pushing the pace on the climb, strong all I can say, strong! After dropping the left lip we headed the long way around enjoying good trail conditions the whole way!
Taco Report.
It looked to me that Councilman was in the house for tacos. However, my report was getting in my car and heading home to help set up for a birthday party. No other report has been submitted at the time of publishing!
Upcoming Rides!
Sunday CX practice: 8:00 at the Bagel Shop????
Until we ride.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Mosquito at 5:45...Exti 54???? Rumor has it that this guy is back in town!
1/2 I am in for the ride but will have to get back down the hill for visitors.
PS: Three cheers to NoHandle and Mrs. NoHandle for hosting a great event, lots of fun and birthday cheers.
Until We Ride,
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Yet another movie clip
Until we ride,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Cyclocross / BMX Wrap-up
Sacramento CX #2 - College Cyclery Compound from Sporza Intern on Vimeo.
Until we ride,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Crush of Fatigue
I fear I have fallen off my wave! With work stress, a new baby, and general family chaos I have hit the largest brick wall imaginable. I am done, flat out done. The thought of a ride or run or anything physical is enough to drive me insane right now. We have about a five week break until the cross season picks up again which is plenty of time to reset the engine and get back on the horse. For now a little down time might be exactly what the body is needing. It kind of sounds like the entire group is feeling the same tug of exhaustion, as evident by the report that follows. Although I am experiencing pangs of guilt for not showing last night, I also have experienced some immediate resurgence for simply naming my exhaustion. I have done a little exploring into the periodization approach to training. When cross examined with the general FT3 race and training schedule, it seems that only one period exisits...that of 100% full tilt boogie! I don't know about the rest of you, but I am going to happily enjoy the rest of this week with the family and not think about exercise. Come Sunday, time to look at another building period to a string of CX races in November.
Racing notes I missed: I completely forgot to mention the showing by Ghost and VD at the Knickerbocker 8hrs/50miler. VD showed big improvements, finishing the Knickerbocker race well ahead of his Sierra 50 time. We will have to do a full analysis of the Garmin data to quantify his actual improvement. Ghost finished fourth in the 8hr, just off the podium but chasing hard to the end.

Sat 10/17: Time to welcome in the new decade with NoHandle! Man he's getting old!
Sun 10/18: Cross practice...roll out from the bagle shop @ ?????
Enjoy the next few weekends and get the DTI up because November gets crazy:
Nov 14: San Fran Night Race
Nov 15: CX Folsom by Bike Planet
Nov 21: CX Cow Palace
Nov 22: SacCX #3 Disco Park
Nov 29: San Fran Golden Gate Park
Dec 5/6: Crank Bro Gran Prix Porland
Dec 20: SacCX #4 winery race and post race Chili party at Chez Barnes
Here is to enjoying the down time!
Until we ride,
Wind in the Sails
The first winter ride of the 2009/10 year was noteworthy on several accounts. I arrived at the parking lot to find that riders were bowing out via text message as rapidly as the leaves were falling off the trees in the wind. As I sat alone watching the texts come in, I actually had to ponder what I would do if no riders actually showed up. Would the FT3 flag not fly on the first winter ride of the season? Alas, B showed up and we loaded up the Previa for yet another FT3 outing.
The ride prep took a bit longer than usual as we had to don our foul weather cycling attire. We rolled out along the parking lot fence, or “The Hiccup Trail,” I on the Trek 820 single speed with ghetto chain tensioner and B on the CX single. Booker was rocking his puppy oats rapidly behind. We came down the technical drop that named that trail section, crossed Sly Park Rd and took a new and different route into an equestrian compound. While exploring, I we came across a homestead that featured a rural but homemade snowboard rail. Seems even though the majority of the FT3 riders aren’t ready for winter, the local Sly Park boarders are. During the exploratory time period, it was noted by B that explorations don’t always end in glory, or something like that. A few turns off route toward the compound and we decided to try a new singletrack trail descent which turned out to be of epic proportions. Long, steep and technical is how you characterize this decent. Our explorations found the glory and this trail section will be visited again. We made our way back to MI Trail and rode the Fleming loop counterclockwise. Trail conditions were smooshy and it was wet, wet, wet. We did more walking than usual and the pace was slow, and Booker was solid all night. We opted out of the backside of Fleming and took the squishy Fireroad back to the parking lot. Rode MI Trail road to the first dam, then rode along the lake to the boat dock and back up. Oddly the automatic gate rose for me when I rode up to it, B was not so lucky. Weird.
The Knott was quiet, with only about 3 or 4 Knottheads on site. We opted to eat at the bar and were met with utter disappointment by one of the main taco bitches. She was clearly very shocked and disappointed that so many FT3 riders were made of sugar last night. Having set the bar high with the snow rides, it will take some work over the winter to bring the respect back to that level. We had to run down all the excuses for her and she passed judgement on them. B and I are sure that if NoHandle were in town he would have been there. Beyond that we collectively decided with the taco bitch that Larz, Bambi and NoCar had pretty good excuses as well. Those who didn’t chime in at all took the high road (Councilman), but Ghost and VD weren’t so lucky or wise. At some point B’s beer chugging prowess came up in conversation, and interestingly enough, one of the Knottheads at the end of the bar was the roommate of the disappointed chug contest loser. There was an older Knotthead of few words in the middle of the bar who said “It’s very seldom that you run across a hero like that,” referring to B’s chugging prowess. True, so true. A roll by of the pino loge’ resulted in a short pit stop for observation of the intriguing and entertaining local crowd.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Are you made of sugar?
Mosquito at 5:45...Exit 54?
October's SSFT3 was a nearly standard affair. B, Ghostrider, VD, NoCar, Councilman and Rock God convened at Mosquito road at the usual time. We were met by LOtB in full cross gear, and for a second we thought he might join the festivities. Turns out he was in not-so-secret, post-work training mode for this weekend. Cheers for the proper sendoff, and good luck on Sunday!
The rest of the crew met Xteric at the Knot parking lot and we kicked the event off with a tall PBR. We weren't yet buckled in our shoes before the first of several references to homoeroticism were thrown about. After a long absence, it's nice to see the FT3 vocabulary continues to evolve. In place of the venerable but ususal suspects, Ghostrider stepped up to lead the ride. His route of choice took us further afield than most nights. I think I saw lights from Hwy 50, but I'm told that was just aliens or Rednecks out for hunting practice. Anyhoo, we combined qualifier, to Park Creek, then the 'Centerline' route that Ghost discovered which proved to be nice CX loop as B can attest. This dropped us onto Hazel Creek and back up to 'Rock Spot' at Park Creek Junction, we back tracked PC and came down the wedding march, over rock garden 1a where Xteric and Councilman both met terra firma - I thought those 29ers helped prevent OTB excursions; hold that order! . Not quite game for an entire lake loop we spiced it up with an Xteric led 1st class single track above North Lake Road and reversed our way home past the main entrance to the lake. VD's stats will bear it out, but it was a solid ride with a handful of stops, no violations, and a fair bit of climbing.
The taco portion was highlighted by Xteric's quick grab of the firepit. Seems the aliens and Frenchies were on hiatus , and with the Knot tables full up, we opted for outside dining. As more serious discussions of ceagles and mandangles commenced, we noted an odd glow emanating from VD. Seems he fancies a certain local, and having seen her inside the Knot, he was positively giddy. Once the beers arrived, something spectacular, yet entirely suspicious occured. Not 1, not 2, but 3 bottlecaps turned up Aces for young VD. Maybe an inside job, maybe a ploy to win his affections, but VD was on fire. B was wishing he had rode a fixie so he could have back peddled the promise he made VD if he un-capped that 3rd ace; the first time I recall him being lost for words. Subsequent beers rendered no winners, but we were convinced this was the night to hit the Redhawk. A mid taco session fire pit appearence was made by a couple colorful smoky locals; probably to listen in on our first draft bylaws. The tacos were better than average, and the sauce selection was light but consistent. Given the darkness, I can't be sure what combinations were had, but there were no complaints save the need for a bit of Boa Vista to cool things down.
As promised, the Councilman previewed a rough draft of the FT3 charter. Mostly an assemblage of bylaws from existing cycling clubs, with some FT3 specific language, it proved an entertaining addition to the taco portion. The best laughs were over our brain storm of rider dispute resolution methods; the 'Lady and the Tramp Taco Munch' won the nod, inspired by the tone B set early on. Most agreed there is work to be done, and contributions from all members would result in a better and more accurate document.
Cheers to all in attendance. Until next time.
Until we ride
Monday, October 12, 2009
Podiums Galore
I stuck in a workshop all day, so I will post more later on. I do have an update from last week thanks to councilman and will get that posted as well.
I am pretty sure that Rock God was on the podium as well. Green Fro and Xteric rounded out the field in the 35+ field. Racing was fast and hard and dusty, really dusty.
As for my race, only one chick got by, and yes there were two again at the start line. I was pretty spent on energy and the loose dirt took its toll. All in all I suffered greatly! Still hurting a fair deal today.
Chick Bike on craigslist for $650 if anyone knows anyone looking for a bike.
Until we ride,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Silent on all fronts
Cross racing this weekend. More info later!
Until we ride
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Where men are men and power tools rule
It was an epic bike shop night. Power tools were in featured play and the cross bike has never been running better. It is so rare that the world of spandex and the world of power tools collide, but when they do it is an awesome sight. As B stated, "are you sure we don't have to use the grinder anymore?" In the end, we could start building time saving devices if we are not careful.
Sunday Ride:
I thought there might be a crowd on Sunday, but it was just Rock God and I. Actually it was me chasing Rock God all around south co

CX racing:
It is on for this Sunday, race #2 in the Sac Series. This is the super secret race and the venue will not be announced until Sunday! Who's in?
Hey, it is the first Tuesday in October. Grab yar bike, but make sure it only has one gear!
Maybe One
Until we Ride
Friday, October 2, 2009
Coming up for Air!
Hopefully this works!
El Ride de Mexicano portal de manhole y mandangle
If I had ridden a donkey a long long day in Mexico is this how my hind end would feel?
Si yo hubiera liquidaron un burro de un dÃa largo plazo en México es asà como mi parte trasera se sentirÃa?
While there were a number of firsts on last nights ride, as there always is – the return of the Watsonville gangster con single speed and flat pedals was most notable. And to make the return most appropriate the pre-ride offering of el Mexicano jalapenos, carrots and onions brought in by “B” was icing on el pastel. I believe that most of the hardened members of FT3 took to the offering by putting down a jalapeno or carrot, but the young VD decided to pass, later trying to make up for the skip out with Berzerker tacos. Sorry son, the damage has been done.
The rollout of 9 had riders sporting arm warmers and an occasional long sleeve jersey. Cool weather is upon us and the ride in the light of day is quickly fading. Cap’n, NoHandle, B, Rock God, XTeric, Ghost, VD and Who’s Tyler were in the mix. Cap’n assumed ride leader responsibilities in absence of Larz. Taking his job seriously, he designated VD as ride sweep just before heading down the technical section south of MI Trail. Rock showed his rock skills and dropped the group, Cap’n held Bambi and NoHandle to a reasonable pace but did not get passed, and others enjoyed lots of dust. From there the ride took us back up to MI Trail and over to Fleming. While Fleming was mostly uneventful, B might have been having more fun than most of us and the accelerations by Ghost were notable for those off the front.
Even as a marked man, Rock continues to impress, there were mild accusations of performance enhancements and none of the riders seemed to buy that it was Odwalla Superfood. The Fleming Loop took us up Redneck Rising across MI Trail and down towards the left labia. At that time we came upon some tweeking wood thieves who had the whole road blocked off buy a jeep and two trucks. The toothless men were armed with dogs and a women who looked way to normal to be with them, blood relative, we think. As we made our way around their blockage, we were informed about the only way to party:
“You guys got headlamps? That’s the only way to party!”
The decent down the labia was exciting as it always is. At the bottom Cappy got all Navy Seal on their asses and tricked them into thinking they were just riding the lake loop back. Alas, he took them up the horse trail for some more suffering. At the Rock Garden 1A spit, a light was dying and a hammy was hurting so two riders peeled off. The remaining group tackled Rock Garden uphill then 1A up and downhill. It seemed a collective thought that the ride was mostly climbing, especially from those on single speeds.
The taco part saw another first of the season, an inside eat. Although the group was slightly divided, the decision to stay in and take over Knott Hole Corner was made. VD seemed to be pulling out all his Aces, and with two in hand, there was a chance that he was going to be taken away by a “Ceagle” a rare mix between a Cougar and Eagle only found at the Pollock Pines Knott Hole. Due to protection provided by FT3 gangstas, he safely departed the Knott. Since he wasn’t in the authors ride on the way home, who knows what happened from there. I heard mention of the Pino Loge’ as well as “the Bench” so others will have to chime in on the supposed latter activities.
Hasta que me duele la nalga de nuevo!
We are on for a Sunday ride, or at least I am. 7:30 at the Bagel Shop!
Until we ride.