It was an epic bike shop night. Power tools were in featured play and the cross bike has never been running better. It is so rare that the world of spandex and the world of power tools collide, but when they do it is an awesome sight. As B stated, "are you sure we don't have to use the grinder anymore?" In the end, we could start building time saving devices if we are not careful.
Sunday Ride:
I thought there might be a crowd on Sunday, but it was just Rock God and I. Actually it was me chasing Rock God all around south co

CX racing:
It is on for this Sunday, race #2 in the Sac Series. This is the super secret race and the venue will not be announced until Sunday! Who's in?
Hey, it is the first Tuesday in October. Grab yar bike, but make sure it only has one gear!
Maybe One
Until we Ride
The bike shop was intense, more so for Larz than others in attendance though. I think he got a few grey hairs on Saturday night.
ReplyDeleteI am out tonight, a work meeting is keeping me away. A lunch ride is in effect if there are any takers.
Two! Sans SS, it's due to ship next week.
ReplyDeleteI'm racing Sunday, it will an early and sober class reunion the night before. We'll see if they through in some hills to really test everyone's fitness.
Three! After a long absence, I am craving 1 gear and many tacos. Looks like the bike shop was a Frankenstein affair. Can't wait to see the creature.
ReplyDeleteBikeshop was awesome on Saturday. How could it not have been? We managed to combine bikes, Jim Beam, and a spark-spitting grinder.
FYI, it is supposed to get down to 45 degrees by 8 PM in Pollock tonight.
ReplyDeleteSix........need to do some Ceagle hunting!!
ReplyDeleteI'm out tonight. Can someone mail me some tacos? VD, I heard the weapon of choice for Ceagle hunting is a Mandangle.
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to Google Docs for the FT3 bylaws. This will allow us to collaborate on a single document going forward. I assume most of us use a Google account for accessing the FT3 blog, but I uploaded this without a login requirement. If we feel more privacy is appropriate, I will lock it down to the aforementioned accounts. I can also send a soft copy via email as required.
If you could please add me to the e-mail list that would be excellent.
Man with three aces in his pocket.....OUT