Not only is tonight Tuesday and the first Tuesday of the month, it is also the first ride of the new, yet to be named, decade! So grab the rig with just one and come on out to play. I say that from the bottom of my heart knowing that I will not be able to partake in tonight's ride. Alas, I am too weak to push only one gear and will be forced to flog myself at home for missing. I know the chicks who race Men's B's are probably out there tearing it up on fixies right now, getting ready to school me again. (Little do they know about my secret training.)
Mosquito 5:45...Exit 54?
Word has it that Rock God, Cap'n and NoHandle put down a Classic California Road Ride on Sunday leaving all with fatigued legs. No report other than a French Town/Latrobe style loop? Any sign sprints or downhill attacks to report?
B and I took down Red Lake Peak on Sunday with my cousin. B played the roll as guide and got us up on top without any false ro
Zero, I will be there for the send off.
Until We Ride:
One! E-54 is in and I will need a pickup tonight.
ReplyDeleteI'll be sporting the cobweb strewn new 29er SS, with sore legs to boot. I can make an E-54 pick up as well.
The Sunday road ride was a leg burner for sure. We did not quite make it down to Latrobe, but cut over from French Creek to French Town-Ponderosa-Meder-CP Blvd-Starbuck-Deer Valley and back up Green Valley, with No-Handle and I doing a slight extension down to Springvale and a Hwy49 return while Cap'n soloed the hills of Greenstone Country.
It was a pretty spirited ride that included No-Handles obligatory down hill attacks and my mandatory quad burning up hill flyers, while the tactically minded Cap'n upped the pain quotient at the most opportune times.
The snow peaks outing looked awesome. I'm looking forward to a ski or motorcycle outing soon, like January 17th.
Looking forward to two wheels and tacos tonight.
ReplyDeleteI took the rarely ridden Atala out on sunday. Fort Jim, up and down Starks grade, Snows road to Apple hill. But with only cars to race, my quads are mending fine.
I can also document the joint secret training ride spotting on Monday. As I was making a return loop on the lower trail after running into Brian Joder and his friend Craig, I spotted Larz and Jackson who was sporting his shiny new rig and demonstrating some excellent skidding and wheel chocking techniques. It looked to me like our mutual greeting interrupted a 'motor pacing' session for Jackson; it's great to see you get him on the program early Larz. Coach Kile has a slight modification tip for Jackson's training plan. Set his bike up as a fixie, tape his feet to the pedals and tow him down the trail; you need to develop his fast twitch muscle fiber base before it's too late. ;-0
ReplyDeleteGeez, I leave for 4 days and miss all the good stuff. I did get in a single speed ride on the first - 11.5 miles with 3100' plus of climbing - so I am ready for tonight.
ReplyDeleteI also witnessed RG on a Thursday STR up to Apple Hill.
Sunday was indeed a good day. I got in a solid 60 miles w/my commute to town and back for the ride, RG had to pull me back up 49 to P'ville and Big Cut was a near hike, but I made it. Worth note was the first training event of 2010 for the Lawler Boys as they joined the Barton's on the bike trail during the Sunday ride - the wife and kid event allowed Me and Cap'n to get out w/out tanking the DTI.
ReplyDeleteI In for DS2F3FOD
ReplyDeleteI am in. I will be keeping it real by taping the rear derail shifter tonight, and NoHandle can vouge for the fact that the front derail on the black night is in fact inoperable. Thanks for the spray off tho!
I am game for nordic outings, the split kit sits on the work bench awaiting it's day of glory.
BTW, does anyone find that this blog kills their browser. About 1 in 8 time I bring it up, IE freezes, total lock up.
ReplyDeleteI have had a few experiences where I click on it and I get a the page thrown at me hundreds of times and I have to control alt delete out of it. It's as if I rapid fired my mouse, but I didn't. Weird.
ReplyDeleteNo issues using firefox. Better pop up controls too. Out tonight, recovering from ski trip. Gotta work up to "hard as nails". Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteThe MacBook runs as smooth as a Ti 29er.
ReplyDeleteAmen, brother Kile.