Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2010: Year of the 9er!

It was a good showing, good weather, good route, and good fun on the SSFT3 last night. Xteric, B, NoHandle, Cap'n, Bambi, RockGod and I all showed with either one gear or tape to create one gear. With a bit of snow fear we kept to the West and South exposed trails and had great trails all night long.

The Qualifier opened up nicely to the Picnic Table Grave Yard. From the resting point for old tables we headed back towards the Knot on the Lake Trail. Took a quick break for Xteric to go grab water and then continued on out on the Lake Trail passed the second dam. We quickly doubled back on the Horse Trail and then headed up Rufus Rising. There was some conversation regarding the origins of this name. No memory of the origins were known, but the name has seemed to stick. Climbing up Rufus Rising we got a good reminder of winter as we run through several snow patches. From the top of the trail system we headed on out to Redneck Rising for a descent into Flemming. "When what to our wondering eyes should appear" but several really big, like really big, freaking holes dug in our trails. To say these diggings were attempting to keep vehicles out would be the obvious statement...however, do I really need to unearth 6 feet + of soil to reach this purpose! Sheesh, these seemed way extreme and quiet frankly pretty destructive to the area. We headed back via Flemming and Palin's Plunge...which is getting pretty good.

Falco rears its ugly Cap'n was siting dates of 29er purchases, I got the old Falco song Amadeus stuck in my head. Still there haunting me this morning.

"When what to our wondering eyes should appear" but a Fetish CX bike and Green Fro in the the Knot Hole firing off the solo taco outing! Spot on Mate. Tacos were good and greasy and the hot sauce selection was by no means "weak". B took it upon himself to venture into the the selective, special services with a unique 0-0-10 order. I am not sure but he may need a secret agent to find his shoes this morning.

A Team - is in
B Team - is in need of a few good men!

Until we ride,


  1. Nice write up Lars, but how about a shout out for Debbie (and RG) on the kit project. Nice work.

  2. I believe xterric mentioned an interest in leading the FT324T2 charge. I have thrown my hat in as well. Can we get 2 more?

  3. I just got off the phone with Pactimo. I got the new account established and the deposit rolling. I'm waiting for a call from the account rep. I will also order a Fit Kit so we can size all the items we want to purchase before they make them up.

    My DTI is wearing thin, not due to the jersey, just my general behavior. I will do my best to keep the project and marriage in tact.

  4. Pactimo Fit Kit, Color Swatches and Quality Sample Kit are on the way.

  5. Hey Rick can you email me a copy of the proof? I would like A kit just want to see the final proof. If not I could meet up with you later to take a gander. Almost done with the master Bathroom. Whats the verdict on sundays ride? I really need to get out.
