So, there I was last Wednesday, regretting my missed FT3 outings of late and all in a pissy mood. Peter and I had made no progress on the tree house project and neither of us were riding. So, who should show up carrying two large cups of coffee (he grew, roasted and ground the beans himself), but P Paul himself – Peter had given up and left by then. It wasn’t long before Paul not only got me back on track w/my non-cycling-tree-house-project, but also found time to finish my private trail
network as well.

Inspired by NoCar’s upcoming May 14th Throwdown and Pauls drive to do anything and everything, we quickly linked up all the disparate sections, cleaned a few others and even did some manicuring of yet others. Yesterday I was able to put together a 14 min loop that was over 2 miles long and included 350 feet of climbing.
I’d like to thank Paul for his enthusiasm and effort. If it were not for him, I wouldn’t be able to or be fired up for tomorrow’s ride up in Pollywood.
Weekend Ride reports? I hear Cappy and Xterric were heading out early yesterday for Cronan?
network as well.

Inspired by NoCar’s upcoming May 14th Throwdown and Pauls drive to do anything and everything, we quickly linked up all the disparate sections, cleaned a few others and even did some manicuring of yet others. Yesterday I was able to put together a 14 min loop that was over 2 miles long and included 350 feet of climbing.
I’d like to thank Paul for his enthusiasm and effort. If it were not for him, I wouldn’t be able to or be fired up for tomorrow’s ride up in Pollywood.
Weekend Ride reports? I hear Cappy and Xterric were heading out early yesterday for Cronan?
ReplyDeleteFirst tues. of the month, anyone interested in a cross roll-up?
Will we be wearing dresses? Fore
ReplyDeleteFive (ish)
ReplyDeleteWe will see what I can do.
Congrats to Lars on a run well done. Nice to hear someone was able to find the light at the end of the pain cave tunnel.
ReplyDeleteNice post NoHandle, nice tree house too. You are becoming quite the carpenter. Although I'm sure Paul could build his way out of hell, without a hammer, if he needed to.
I also need to give a shout out to Bambi for the hub bearing install assist last Thursday, the Ghetto engineering of mostly wooden high tech Hope hub bearing install tools was some real magic.
Sunday ride was a blast. Xteric and I rolled out of the Cronin parking lot right about 8:00am. Took down a majority of what Cronin has to offer, plus the Salmon Falls connector far enough to take in a view of Folsom and review the skid marks and body outline left by NoCar on the Wednesday prior. Cronin is prime now and should be visited by all several times during the next 4-6 weeks. While riding we discussed our constant desire for new bikes and the urge to keep racing in spite of what time allows for training. The option to incorporate FT3, Inc. for a 24 hour showing was also discussed and quickly tabled for an appropriate tuesday at the Knott.
I am hoping to be in tomorrow, will chime in with a 6-ish for now and will confirm tomorrow.
I don't know Bambi. If we were cross dressing, the opposite of colorful spandex isn't a dress. More likely to be baggy jeans and a tshirt.
ReplyDeleteThe Taco Handle "Keds" is still floating out there for anyone arriving and riding in baggies and street shoes!
ReplyDeleteKeds was almost re-assigned last week. But, what if the original returned? Would we just call the two of them the Keddies?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I am out tonight. Too many evening events happening this week, the DTI can't support an FT3 absence. The count is back down to five(ish).
ReplyDeleteI am still firmly an "ish" have bike, light, nutrition, and gear with me. Legs are not quiet right yet...
ReplyDeleteI'm out. Secret Training and Business Travel have me tied up for next two weeks. Let's hope for a late spring rain to extend these perfect conditions.
ReplyDeleteLars, I am quite impressed w/your non-cycling skills. I don't think I've run that much in my life. I may have done nearly as many miles in ladder steps however over all of last week so while my excuse is nowhere near as lofty as yours, I'll be hanging w/you on the steeps.
ReplyDeleteDang, LOtB, you must have logged a lot of wet training miles in the last few months. Mad props for a job well run! Appreciate the post-race analysis and pain cave mini-tour.
ReplyDeleteI may find myself OTB as well, but I'm in for tonight.
BTW, NoHandle, nice post and I promise to return your hijacked truing stand this evening! For a fee, of course...
Since when did borrowing tools become a profiteering enterprise. Sheesh. I believe your payment will be made in the likes of the standard tender for 1st Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteBTW, B you still looking for a twist shifter?
B and I will be embarking on bicycles. See y'all up there. Apparently he has a new surprise.
ReplyDeleteEasy now, I am merely a courier. Said stand was, in truth, borrowed by Sans Auto and left in my car after a ride.
ReplyDeleteI will comply, though the tender may be altered to that of a Belgian currancy.
Wait, am I the only one at Mosquito today?
Xteric may pull into Mosquito.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to one of those belgian Francs.