Tuesday, May 6, 2014

MAMIL Gathering

The new acronym in cycle planning is MAMIL. Middle Aged Men In Lycra. I would like to propose a gathering of all MAMIL's for the weekly ritual that is FT3. If you, unlike me, were one of the 12 strong last week who couldn't produce a ride report, then you should show up this evening and pay your penance with a pack or two of Pre-Br's. After all, it is SSFT3. And, because last weeks ride was kicked off with a confession and prayer of the fat tire.


FT3, like cycle planning, has developed some of it's own language. Take "gang texting" for instance. Surely no other group has thought of something so clever.

And, speaking of Acronym's - I heard there is an LRP planned for this Saturday, let's get to the bottom of the details.



  1. 2! DTI is another unique FT3ism.

  2. Holy smokes! C man! It has been so long I forgot what you looked like. I will be there to round out 4. Not sure if I'm driving up for some pre miles, riding up, or pooling. Will be in touch about all that.

  3. Having not yet presented this proposition to the committee, I'll offer only a tentative IN for tonight's ride. However, it is Tuesday, is it not? In a way, it would not truly be Tuesday if I didn't ride, and I don't want to f--- with the natural order of things like that, so . . .

    1. Ok, resolution passed and confirmed by the full committee. Five!

    2. For a second there I thought you were going to present an option for a different ride entirely. Then RG did that for you.

  4. Out tonight. Going to squeeze a quick road ride in; departing via airplane 5:30am Wednesday.

  5. Xteric makes it a full SIX pack

  6. No comments on the gang text fingers, come on! I worked on the subscript flash hypertext markup language all morning.

    1. If only NoHandle were here.

    2. actually, cappy, the second image is blank on my screen . .

  7. I will drive up myself, no lot stop.

  8. Late change of plans. The boy is being a big baby and my services are needed at home tonight. The good news is this will certainly boost the DTI.
