Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tuesday Night and Sunday Long Ride Callout

Remember when....


Weather Service is calling for plenty of heat, dust, and ozone tonight. Good time to enjoy a cold PBR, a refreshing dip, and a little mountain biking.

Best to take it easy to make sure everyone is in top form for the highly anticipated Rubicon Jeep Trail Long Ride going down this Sunday.

At a mere 18.7 miles and 2,530 feet elevation gain (one way), this will be a short Long Ride. I would still tell the Mrs. to expect us to be gone for 14 hours. What with all the hand ups we'll be enjoying and all.

Here is a DRAFT kit design. Overall theme is dark blue/grey lettering/black - deep yellow chainring. Dropping the graveyard and Trail Butter logos. Colors may not be exact on screen.


  1. Replies
    1. But, what about the bro shorts/shirt? You know that's what we're most excited about.

  2. Out. Yes what about the bro wear design that at least myself and XT are excited about.

    1. Maybe with enough PBR consumption the dust will manically disappear

  3. N+0 and the kit looks sharp. Do you have a pic of the bro kit too? Not TOO dusty up here but lots of smoke. The state is basically on fire but nobody seems all that worried about it.

    1. Also did you get the baggie fit kit? I'm thinking L street shorts and either M or L blouse - any sizing anomalies to be aware of?

  4. Out. Heading out camping with the family
    Kits look good, maybe a big strong on the yellow for me however.

    1. What THTH means by that is he'd appreciate more of a pink motif.

    2. It won't go over the shoulder that is just me not being a graphic designer. I think it will be a bit softer and the goal is a deep yellow. Yellow only on the back.

  5. Bro design will be coming soon. With the positive response on the color scheme I will move forward official design, this is just my mock up.

  6. Three. No comments on Kit design, though the bro shorts do have some interesting self-adjusting waist thingy. Reminds me of my toddler's clothes. Missing you, B. When do you return?

  7. My duties up here will probably extend through most of October but I plan to return for a two week stint to knock out some bridge inspections relatively soon. They were under snow when I left and I want to access them before it happens again. That and I want my FT-Threeee.

    I can only assume that your waist thingy will be adjusted out to the max, Councilman.

  8. Oh, and here's a little Ode to NC and B (others?):

    The once were some gents from Polly
    Who rode like the wind on a Raleigh
    They loved to go fast, and that it didn't need gas,
    Yet it brought them to Tuesday night folly!

  9. So did some research on riding the Rubicon. Read some of this for yourself and make your own decision:



    Sounds more like novelty than bike ride. I think it would be preferable to be out there on a weekday in the off season.

    1. Also this weekend is the second edition of the Jeep Jamboree
