Using my handy dandy home weather station to monitor rainfall over the 24 hour race, I am confident in saying that it rain, in fact it rained a lot, in fact, during the 24 hours that racers were swimming around the Olmstead loop it rained 2.83 inches. By the time the first few riders tore around the course it was a sloppy mess. There was a brief moment during the wee hours of Sunday morning that things dried up a bit and got worse, that's right, it was so wet that we really needed it to stay wet throughout to avoid mud with consistency of quick drying concrete. Regardless of weather or a diminishing "Fun Factor" (for a full algorithmic explanation see Rock God) FT3 showed up with the typical "hard as hell" attitude ready for a Throwdown. Armed

The race started at noon on Saturday, and true to form, Cap'n toed the line to set the tone. The course had some new changes for this year and the initial mile caused some massive backups slowing progress, but our fearless leader fought his way through and delivered an awesome first lap. The returning rides actually gave us a little hope that the situation out on the course was not that bad, the bikes were looking OK and the faces were not that muddy. How fast things change! NoHandle went out for lap two and continued to deliver on the throwdown. Rounding out a fast lap, even as the conditions quickly went from wet to a muddy soup! I charged out for lap three and soon found myself working on the swim portion of the upcoming Ironman. What a mess, mud and gunk everywhere. The derailleur shifted when it wanted and brakes were novelties saved for dry days. I battled the best I could and got Bambi out to cleanup our first set of laps. The fire was burning for Bambi over the weekend and the full cable housing was the set up to have. Bambi laid down the first of four consistent and fast laps, spot on mate.
The second set of laps were more of the same muddy mess. Cap'n broke a chain, starting a chain of events that left him a bit down on the event for a few hours. The rest of us continued to fight through the conditions. A snorkel and windshield wipers would have been helpful.
Lap three SUCKED! It stopped raining for a bit and the mud turned to sticky gloppy glue. Anything with a slight incline became very difficult to ride. The bog by the pond on the second

Lap four saw the return of the pounding rain and actually improved conditions, just ride in the stream bed! Cap'n remounted the geared stead and had a drastically improved outlook upon returning to camp. NoHandle and Bambi again displayed total consistency and kept putting down solid times and big efforts! Those two get the workhorse awards in my book! I had some mechanical issues as the Chick Bike was pushed to its absolute limits. Pushed on but turned a slower lap than I wanted.
Last Lap: Due to the race being called a bit early, we only had time to fire off one more single lap. Cap'n took the task to hand and destroyed the course for one final lap. Clocking a 1:12:00 (one of the faster laps for the entire event) and secured our spot atop the podium!
Timing was a joke and no one will ever really know what the times were. The official count had us at 19, guess it was not very official at all seeing how we only did 17 laps. The mechanic for the second place team was there to clear up that they also didn't turn 19 laps, but 15. The third place team, also given 19 laps, were believed to have complete 7 and then quit and went home.
Camp FT3: Ghostrider, his wife, and family made this event possible for us. Despite having the massive shade tent blow away on Friday night, Ghostrider showed off his work habits and unreal

Ride #51
S2FT3...why not...lets roll...I will be off the back...but the tacos will be good!
Mosquito at 5:45

Until we ride again,
A few most memorable moments, or spot on mate list:
ReplyDeleteCouncilman showing for the set up, spot on mate
Justin arriving in odd truck with "Holy crap this thing is huge" mosquito tent which required masterful assembly and stern direction from Sergeant Lawler
Sergeant Lawler’s instructions at the set up were also notable.
Matt’s arrival without beer cooler to the set up, spot on mate, it could have sunk us, although Justin would have appreciated it.
Matt showing up to the set up in full orange gear, smelling like an Alaskan fisherman, and Patrick later assigning him ‘any Alaskan fisherman name’ for the similar yellow jacket he sported.
The oh shit Ian does not sound well phone call to which he stated, “It’s OK, I’ll just bury it.” Spot on mate.
Friday morning walking into the tent with prototype bike rack set up, again another holy shit, and spot on mate for sure. Did I mention Justin rocks?
The Rock God showing on the KTM, spot on, and finding out that he was told to F-off by race director Jim Northey ‘cause he thought he was a friend of his.
When Peter left the building after my third lap.
Justin for rocking the F29 repairs, spot on mate, and thanks to Golden Spoke wrench for coming in and firing up discussion about FT3 race team
Justin for loaning the mighty rigid single speed, spot on mate, rides well, but the thing is a beast to lug around.
Tinker waving at my son, he thought it was cool, but he doesn’t know how cool.
Patrick’s “I saw Tinker” and later “I battled and chatted with Tinker” story was also notable, so good in fact I wore long-up socks and shorts on Monday. The “classic” look.
Barrett and others making a showing and drinking a fair bit, although they did leave a bit of a mess, not so spot on.
Having Annette tell me on Monday that she encountered a human turd wrapped in foil near our set up. That was something.
Nice post Lars and follow-up by Captain.
ReplyDeleteMy biggest regret is getting beat by single speeders. Damn it anyway. Asside from that,it was a freaking good weekend. Next Year!!
Justin, you are the bomb. Thanks for all the support, it made all the difference in the world.
How could I forget the Spencer showing as well as the help out from Spence, Spot on Mate!