Friday, December 31, 2010
Welcome 2011 - Sunday Ride Call Out
Love to see as many of you there as can make it. Ghost informed me that he has a route in mind and the collective discussions I've had on the back channels favor a 3hour-ish ride. I know that the 10AM time may be too late for some and Cappy has suggested that he may roll at 9AM then circle back to the shop at 10AM to join the rest of the group.
I'll be there at 10AM, hope to see you somewhere on the road Sunday.
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 27, 2010
And I thought Cholla were some kind of peppers...
What is one thing all desert riders carry with them; a must have? Water? Food? Nope. How about a comb, a pair of needle-nose pliers, or both? Yep, the cholla (pronounced like choya) are cacti and have a nasty tendency towards hurling their prickly digits/limbs at you if you get too close. It's elbows in when navigating this terrain. Thing is, it's not always the one attached to the tree/bush that will get ya. Those laying about can be easily picked up by a rotating tire, and then rudely deposited on your backside.
Ahh, the joys of desert living. Did I mention the Mojave rattler? That's another story altogether...
Yes, gents, your councilman has taken his little circus to the sands of Southern AZ. The riding here can be every bit as arduous and pain-inducing as it is back home. There are mountains full of critters (and smugglers), with nasty grades going up, and perilous crossings on the way down. Mt Lemmon is a stone's throw away, and though there is snow at 5 to 6k feet, the riding (dirt and road) is outstanding. In short, FT3 would thrive here.
Oddly enough, there is a fairly large group, many transients and college students, who ride on Tuesday nights and then eat/drink in downtown Tuscon. Apparently, they heard about what we were doing in Pollywood, and had to start their own weekly event. If the gods are smiling, I will ride in the morning with the Ms., and then join the fray for the evening's adventures.
To that end, consider this your inter-state, cross-cultural, remote, desert callout! It will be cold, wet, and the last FT3 ride for 2010, or two thousand ten, or however the hell you say it. LOtB reports the trails in Polly are, and I quote, "mostly rideable with slight dust of snow possible". Did our fair administrator graduate from Penn St? Cuz he's got a knack for this meteorology thing.
Ghost sighting and most excellent news: For those who weren't on the back channel communique of last week, our own apparition will be a father, not once, but twice over. You got it, twins!! FT3 Gen2 is expanding. More pics and maybe the sex of the babies to follow?
Solstice Anyone?: NoHandle once again put on a reportedly splendid bonfire affair. The stories abound and will no doubt become the stuff of legend. Didn't know Ghost had a 'crosser. Would love to see pics of the muddy slogfest. Can't wait for next year.
Not so good news: One of our Comrades went down last week. It was a solid crash, with serious injuries and some surgury required. Happy to report, the Six Million Dollar man (formerly known as Nocar) is recovering nicely and coherent enough to pen a crash report. Best wishes on a speedy recovery!
Happy Riding and Happy New Year
Monday, December 20, 2010
Too Hot will Handle the Wintry Mix
FT3's own Too Hot To Handle has offered to handle the wintry mix this week with an alternative FT3 option. He will be heating it up at his place this Tuesday night with a winter solstice bonfire. His intentions were not to hijack an FT3 outing, but rather to keep it real as far as the solstice date is concerned. That said, FT3 riders are encouraged to do as they please this Tuesday and choose their own adventure as follows; Option 1: Meet at Mosquito at 5:45, and venture to the Knott and ride as per the usual FT3 outing. Or, Option 2: Meet at Mosquito at 5:45 to endure an adventurous, partially off-road ride to Camp Too Hot Too Handle, for a taste of raging bonfire and hearty soup. Ahh, it's good to have options... and panniers... especially since this event is BYOB!!
Race Report:
Lange Twins revisited was visited this weekend by FT3's own Cappy, Bambi and NoHandle. The weekend storm provided a break in the rain just in time for the Men's A race. The FT3 riders were amused by the high price tag on the day, as well as the caliber of racers who stood among us at the registration table. Don Myrah, Jeremy Ferguson and a bunch of Giant Berries preceeded us in line and out on the race course. While it was collectively determined the course layout was better this time than last, the mud, ponds and sticky quick-sand run ups were less than amusing. Bambi and Cappy faired well considering the conditions and took 8th and 6th respectively. NoHandle decided Lange Twins was better to be visited and taken on another day. Since cappy failed on his PBR obligations and required a special drop off in Elk Grove hell, his FT3TI may be slightly deminished.
I anticipate to be in for Option 2, will confirm in the Hidden comment field tomorrow.
Ride like the wind,
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Bring On The Wintry Mix
We turned to the pre-qualifier then dropped down to the lake for a standard loop. Conditions were WET with a few patches of snow lingering in the coldest draws. Lars suffered a mechanical, his derailer/chain tensioner jammed into his cog. NoHandle deftly worked out a remedy for the damaged gear, but it wasn't running smoothly. Fortunately, Lars promptly slipped out on a slick stump and knocked the derailer into alignment. To warm up, we climbed the right lip, which was flowing like a creek. Flat sections gathered deep fans of sediment that grabbed our wheels and robbed all momentum. The following descent of the left lip was anything but fast. Downed trees blocked the path at every turn.
As we reached the lake, a unanimous call for tacos was made. Temperatures were plummeting and every rider (save Xteric in full moto cross gear) was suffering some loss of sensation in the extremities. On the last stretch to the knottlot the rain turned to snow. We stood in the mud and stripped our soggy layers, snow falling on cold, wet skin. Mother Rye handed out paper towels as we must have looked like a bunch of drowned rats. The Knott Hole had grown more festive, and the tacos were extra greasy. After we paid our tabs (and Mother Rye caught Councilman trying to pilfer an It's-It) we found our bikes to be covered in snow. Cautiously, we drove back to Pville.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tuesday Call out and Race Report
I can however call you each out for yet another FT3 outing and recall a few tid-bits of an FT3 Cross Race adventure over the weekend.
Call Out:
We are riding as per usual, trails should be better than last week but the weather may be worse. I don't expect Peter to show up, but Peter P, this is your official call out. If you are ever to show up and ride w/us this week would be a good time to show you've got what it takes to roll w/FT3. Man up I say.
Race Report:
Saturday was the annual Folsom Cyclo Cross event hosted by Bicycle Planet and it was a great event. The course was much like last years but the weather was much better. GreeFro was on Team duty in the eary hrs setting up and walking the course. He rolled out w/the 35+ Bs. I don't actually know where he finished so we'll have to get that from him. During Fro's race and Cappy's my warm up, our good friend C'Man showed up to help out w/the child watching since Cappy and I had young boys in tow. After Fro finished, he and C-Man shared the baby sitting while Cappy and I toed the line w/the "open" As. Yea, no need for 35+ As per the race organizer I guess. The pace was not too bad at first then just when I thought things were settling down, the pace kicked up and the front disappeared. I saw Cappy at various intervals throughout the race, each one a bit closer to me on lapping lap. From the looks of things Cappy road w/3 other guys most the race as the front runners. One man slipped away to take the win and Cappy and some other lucky guy duked it out for 2nd and 3rd. Our Man came up 3rd on the day and a great effort It was - his best finish I am thinking of the year (so far). I rolled in 6th after a good long battle which I much enjoyed but did lose for 5th. I swear this raced included a good head game as we were in at least 7 laps when I allowed myself to lookup and see if the "3 laps" sign was up yet. Nope, not yet. Another lap, nope not yet, another lap and still no sign. This may have been where I lost my 5th place spot. In the end we did a pile of laps but I truly enjoyed the dicing and tactics that Cross provides.
See You Tuesday,
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Mostly Rideable, Hmmmm...
The ride for B and Nocar began in Pville. Shortly after 4PM they dashed like squirrels across Hwy 50 and rolled to the Knott Hole via Pollock Pines. Arriving slightly early allowed time to start their tabs with a nip o' rye.
The gathering group was in a tissy at the knot lot. Apparently, Peter had looked at the trails from the parking lot and determined that riding was impossible. After some discussion, Peter was left to finish his PreBR alone, as NoHandle, Cap'n, Bambi, B, Rock God, Xteric, Councilman, and Nocar headed out for the qualifier. It was a night of hasty, unplanned dismounts, which began almost immediately. Bambi was fiddling with his light and failed to notice the downed tree that crossed the trail. He saw it a second before impact, screamed like a girl, and leaped off his bike. He sailed fifteen feet bounced and rammed into the cutbank. He checked for blood and found none, and bent his brake lever back to a useable position. We pushed the tree off the trail and rolled on. We started up the qualifier, then retreated, followed some as yet unnamed trails and then dropped via boyscout camp to do a lake loop. The snow conditions varied widely, but were mostly rideable. Probably every rider at one time or another, (or frequently) experienced his front wheel lock up in a drift followed by ejection from the bicycle. Only too then be rear ended by the next rider. After a successful lake loop, Ride Leader NoHandle (having long ago designated Cap'n as Subordiante Ride Leader) pushed the group to continue with a quick foray onto Palin's Plunge. Substantial grumbling emanated from the ranks as it became clear that the loop would be a hike.
Our evening at the Knott Hole was quite festive with the glow from the Amish fireplace and the Christmas tree. [Administrator's note: the tunes were loud, not spanish nor country, and B’s request to turn up GnR was met with applause. This administrator suspects that the Taco Mom’s absence had something to do with this] No by-laws were questioned, nor mandates declared. Although the newest, um, taco server, created new names for us. Apparently our own nickhandles aren't good enough.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Back to the Norm ~ SS/CXFT3
So the local Pollock Spotter, a.k.a 'alive weather cam Lars', indicates that our home trails are mostly rideable, just in time for the December edition of SS/CXFT3. So what do you say, let's get back to the norm and go for a ride, at night, in the cold, in the mountains (on single speeds, or CX). While the temptation to race Folsom Rodeocross is great, I am confident SS/CXFT3 will provide both sufficient training and handups as necessary. Anyone in need of a Wednesday CX race should make carpool arrangements in the hidden comment field.
CX Racing took place again this weekend and FT3 riders Lars and NoHandle did us proud on the Sac CX Circuit. A race report, as provided by NoHandle follows; Lars and I kept it real on Sat up in Grass Valley for what I would rate as the most fun course I've raced, maybe a tie with SF. The course had plenty of climbing but even more technical stuff. The tight off-camber and slippery turns had me on my ass three times including the pre ride lap (which I am glad to report in an official modifying the spot that took me out). Unlike Lange Twins course this one actually allowed us to apply some skills other than fitness - which makes the race so much more fun. In the end I Finished 7th and Lars was right behind me finishing the last lap and a half on a flat...solid FT3 throw down, but there were only 11 starters. Lars stands atop of the points race so far for FT3 with cappy on top counting a throwout race. [Administrator's note; "Practice Harder!!" is what the heckler's would have said at Folsom Rodeocross.]
Next weekend, Saturday, is the annual Bicycle Planet CX Race at Willow Creek/Folsom High School. I am IN, as is NoHandle, and I hear Green Fro will be making an appearance!
Late breaking edits: ONE!
Big ups to the Female arm, or leg(s) of FT3 as I understand that the great marathon runner and other half of Lars acheived some stunning results in her finish of the California International Marathon. I'm no mathematician, but she finished in the top 100 of women in her age group and something like the top 20% of women overall, out of something like 5,000 women?? Lars can provide better stats, but either way big ups to her. She even qualified for the Boston Marathon, which in bike terms is like qualifying to race CX Worlds!
Ride like the wind,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Chaining the Guard

The winds of chain are indeed blowing as this your Cap'n's first official post to the FT3 blog. This chain, however, unlike a chain on one of B's heavily abused singlespeeds is not broken... only slightly bent. This chain has taken a turn on the cog of time and the links of FT3 are taking on a new shape. They will soon grow up to be blog worthy, race ready, and will conquer the steepest, muddiest, dustiest and coldest slopes. Without further adieu, post number one rolls on;
Tuesday Ride Report submitted by C-Man;
Steeps and Streets, continued...
After realizing the W in SKTPBJCXW referred to Wednesday, I found myself the sole rider for Tuesday night. Given I had the pass, and some time to kill, I did what any FT3 member would do; I went to Cappy's house for beers and food. Following some proper nourishment and pre-ride hydration, I opted to cover what Cap'n had left out of last week's tour. From the EDT, I followed Smith Flat to Broadway and then up Airport Rd. After a short, but steeeep climb, I rolled down to Cedar Ravine. From there, it was over to Texas Hill, and then up again to Newtown Acres. At Newtown Rd, I was supposed to cross over to Still Meadows. As it turns out, the street is actually Ivy Knoll. I made a quick and cold detour South on Newtown looking for both the entrance and a signal. Once I got Google Maps up, I turned round and headed back to Ivy Knoll. Up, up, and more up until I found a dead end in someone's yard, and then the connection to Still Meadows and eventually back to the EDT. The ride back to the house was fast, and nearly involved a T-bone with a deer. And to think, my wife was worried about mountain lions.
Despite the odd stares and the concerned neighbors in Still Meadows, it was a good bit of nighttime work. With near freezing temps, I anticipated ice, but encountered little to none. I think I saw 5 cars the entire ride. To add that piece to the Steeps and Streets tour would make for a long night. We'd have to fill No-cars other bag with dinner.
Folsom Cyclocross Report Submitted by yours truly:
Put the "F" In Cyclocross
FT! FT!! FT!!!!!! The boys at the heckle zone at last nights Folsom Rodeocross race did FT3 proud. Beer handups abound, cheers and jeers roared, and these guys made it seems like we were racing in a small town on a cold night in Belgium. Lars and I thoroughly enjoyed our racing experience at last nights Rodeo Cross and we represented well, keeping the hecklers happy by taking all available handups. The course was a legit mix of pave and dirt with plenty of tight turns, technical sections and a couple not-too-sloppy mud pits. I personally, was more proud of my ability to keep the hecklers happy than of my ability to keep up with the three other A's in a small but fast group. They dropped me shortly after the first lap, but I am proud to say that only one single speeder came by me after that. Lars had a an excellent start and a good race although he lost a chain and had to fight hard through the fodder to regain position. There are only two races left and Lars and I feel strongly that a bigger group of FT3 riders needs to get down there and represent hard for the next two races. The Folsom Breakout boys expressed interest in a cultural exchange as they typically ride on Tuesdays as well, we may need to take a ride with them and vice-versa in the future.
Ride like the wind,
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What's that in the wind?

Two years of highlights:
1) First and foremost, the fact that in two plus years of Tuesdays (give or take a day and weather dependent) there has been a group of Placerville area guys mount bikes for friendship and fitness is an amazing thing!
2) FT3 24 hour team established our credibility!
3)FT3 CX racing demonstrates our dominance!
4)SSFT3 secured us as the true "hardmen" on the block!
5) "This many" (hand hovering above empty bottles) nuff said!
6) Men writing bike related poetry and quoting Shakespeare all in the name of two wheeled pursuits!
7) A secret network of trails named by us and known only by us!
8) The fact that my children ask me why I am home on any Tuesday I don't make the ride!
The highlights are really too numerous to list but this starts to give the feel of the culture established by our group. In thirty years when FT3 generation number two is introducing cycling to gen three, we will look back on these early years as the beginning of the ground swell of a Mt. Bike culture and mecca that is Pollywood!
Look for a race report or ride report coming your way soon from any number of various authors. LOtB will be taking a bit of a writing break, but I might rear my head again sometime!
Viva FT3
Until we ride,
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
No Shortage of Steeps
That's a call out for this weeks alternate ride:
Skinny Knobby Tire Peanut Butter and Jelly Cyclocross Wedensday!
With well over two feet still on the ground in Pollywood, not ride of any significance is taking place up there tonight. Last weeks Tour de Steeps proved highly succesfull and could be duplicated tonight. However, for those of us currently bit by the Cross bug, the Wedensday Rodeo Cross in Folsom may be a good alternative. Racing goes off at 7:30 and looks like is a $15 cost for those already doing either Rodeo Cross or the Sac Series.
Golden Gate Cross:
Snow kept me home bound on Sunday, but it sounds like the race was well worth the trip for those in attendance! RG, Cap'n and Bambi all made the trip down and raced hard. Looks like RG had a good crash near the start and pulled out of the race. No crash report, but sounds like he is ok. Cap'n and Bambi battled in Bay Area A's and held their own. I am sure they both wanted to be higher in the ranks but looking at times, it appears that both did an amazing job! Way to fly the colors with pride FT3. Oh yeah, thanks for bringing my better half home from the city!
Until We Ride,
Monday, November 22, 2010
FT3: Going with the flow!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Oh, What's This?
The Highlight Reel:
- Councilman was spied around 12:30 doing some secret CX training! Way to get in a Tuesday ride!
-Although threatening to show, Peter was absent again. It was agreed that he probably couldn't decide what to wear and was left wallowing in self pity closetside strapped with gear confusion!
-Two last minute work related no-shows marked a sad and tragic truth that bills to continue to show and this old bike might need to be replaced. Outside of B, few of us have figured out how to link billing time to bike time.
-Riders present: Xteric (stealth showing prior to roll out and stealth style throughout), B, Cap'n, THTH, and Lars.
-Hit a new connector trail of no significance but a good new little section of dirt.
-Daniel Boone and Davey Crooket (B and THTH) thought they saw a bear on Redneck and as any good, college educated, grown man would do, they dropped their bikes and went running through the woods trying to catch a better look...that would have been a fun one to explain.
-Exposed rocks were slick, trails were EPIC! and I am not shying away from the E word, truly spectacular conditions, get out there before snow hits this weekend.
-Best comment: Read below
Isn't it odd how full blown competition can evolve seemingly out of no where? After dabbling in Flemming, Redneck Rising, and the Left Lip, we hit the Lake Loop and the this seemed like a good spot to get some fast, consistent single track. After looping around to the Miwok trail, we headed up the Sub Qualifier. Things seemed generally quick but nothing too out of the ordinary, and then, like a phonix rising, the pace quickened (a lot) and B and Cap'n were dicing up front? Hmmm, interesting, THTH and I were side by side and were both pedaling a little bit harder and faster now, Xteric was on the wheel and not dropping off. Like a tree falling in the forest, the booming sound of the gauntlet being thrown was audible to all. THTH stepped up our pace at about the same time Cap'n backed off a bit. Pushing the red line a little further out, I caught Too Hot's wheel and got a good meal of flying mud. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was drilling in, just trying to keep the pace. As we came by Cap'n the best line of the night was uttered:
"Oh, what's this!"
You got to be kidding me, you know exactly what "this" is! "This" is what a Tuesday ride is all about, "this" is a statement about racing A's, "this" is a really fast pace...what the hell is going on, and like that we were in an all out chase of B, and then with B and an all out race to the top, and out of no where, competition had sprung fierce! Nearing the top, Cap'n employed a new and clever tactic. He told me I should turn off my light? Um ok, and let you easily gap me to the top, yeah right...No dude, your light is red and we don't want you riding home in the dark...Right, competition is only so fierce, but brotherhood gets us home safe! The legs burned and the heart was racing but the fun factor, that one was through the roof!
Sunday's Lange Twins CX race is lining up to be another classic event. La Nina creates the weather and FT3 creates the go-go. I am a little afraid that this will be the route for me to the race on Sunday. Old man winter is revving up!
Until we ride,
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Short Ride Central
However, fear not my brothers, cross season is amongst us and I am just coming into form (or at least that is what I am telling myself). A ride is a necessity, training is the only constant in life! So I will be there, at the Knot lot, ready to roll. I will put on the extra thick skin to take the verbal assault of yet another "short ride".
1) Any one interested in an earlier pre-loop tonight?
2) I wouldn't mind hitting the Chopping Block tonight, outside of that, anyone got a route that they are burning to do?
THTH and I took a shot at MET on Sunday and got turned around much earlier than anticipated by some low snow that had stubbornly refused to melt off during almost a week of nice warm weather. With another system moving in this weekend, the bike onto of that Tercel that keeps rolling through town, may be replaced with skis!
That same system may create yet another very legit Nor Cal CX event at Lange Twins on Sunday. Global Climate Change? Yeah, I still don't buy it!
One other note, driving into work yesterday, I listened to an article about the country of Bhutan and their desire to not measure GDP but to measure GHI (the General Happiness Index). RG, you may have been onto something with that formula you presented long ago.
Personally, my GHI will hit a season peak come Friday when I get a little extra time with the family, some quality CX racing stacked up, and way too many calories.
Until we ride,
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Conspiring Powers!
Saturday's CX race was represented well by FT3. RG, Bambi, Cap'n and myself all toed the line and did the brotherhood well. Racing was fast and furious! I think we are starting to figure out this A's thing and would not be surprised at all to see some folks on the podium come Sunday after next down at our favorite, non-foothill winery, Lange Twins! Should be a good time and if last year was any indicator, a great course.
The weather up in Pollywood has been of the anti-dust sort. Plenty of water on the trails may create some muddy and slippery situations. No mater if you are dicing or slicing, just keep the rubber side down.
I am still somewhat optimistic for a late roll out and possible rendezvous. Keep me posted of ride/route selection. Until then, I am off to fight the dark side of the force.
RG: Love the Pic:
Until we ride,
Sunday, November 7, 2010
What I Learned
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
You will know me by my....
The loop da loop to start last nights outing was a little short track offering to the Mt. Bike gods.
The lake loop was in pristine condition.
My apologies for not clearing the crux and sending THTH down the bank.
There was ample carnage on the rock garden.
Much attacking began on the climb up wedding march, Cap'n got lost.
Which all led to the pinnacle of the nights trail choice!
The chopping block was, I fear not using the term, EPIC!
I safely deployed riders back to the top of the wedding march and then vanished off on yonder trail. With that I was gone, my work done! Who knows the mystery of ride leader, the mystery of the one known as Lars? Will that spandex clad warrior appear again?
Until we ride
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
On the Prowl

Thursday, October 28, 2010
I can see clearly
I did good to the name crashing once uphill and once on Palins impaling the helmet with a branch...that was close!
Until we ride,
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Honey, where are my arm warmers?
With near 5.5 inches of rain falling over the weekend, I would say that trails will still be muddy and wet tonight! This will be intertwined with moments of perfection on the areas that drained well. All in all, it will be a cool, fast, fall ride, worthy of an FT3 stamp of approval.
B and I took a road ride yesterday and thought about all the possiblilities for the AGFT3 that is the All Ghouls FT3. Costumes anyone?
Thanks again to B from coming out and getting some photos of the CX race on Sunday. I must admit, it is pretty cool to line up with a few teammates, even if you get shelled, and see FT3 colors out there on the course. If any of these new fangled polliticians need a lesson in "grassroots" all they need to do is come see FT3 in action! Season standings are starting to stack up (how is that for some alliteration!). Nov 6 and 7 are your next opportunity to get some racing in your legs.
Until We Ride,
Monday, October 25, 2010
At least it wasn't dusty!
Howard Park in Ione and the folks at BicylingEvents, put together a great course for all of us crazies to go out there and punish ourselves. The courses Start/Finish area was on a large DG horse track that was suitably wet and sloppy. From this opening straight-away, riders did a sharp 180 right hander onto an off-camber mud slop for about 30 yards and then dumped down onto some grass athletic fields. This first entry onto grass was short lived as we were sent back to a very muddy off-camber climbing right hander, that was actually one of my favorite moves on the course. From there it was wet grass, mud, twists and turns for a bit. This section dumbed out on the gantlet. A narrow, again off-cambered, muddy sluice box of a straightaway, punctuated by an equally muddy and nasty short up and down at the end. From there, racers had a bit of a break on some hard packed park ground, you just had to look out for "the tree" that had grown just so as to separate your shoulder if you took the turn wrong. Once again, back onto the grass for a long straight with a slick, muddy hill at the end. Up the hill along the fence line, back down and fight the head wind on the road section. Sharp right and over the whoop (remember this section, it will be revisited). Some fast, dirt road twists, taking racers back to the park area. Off the bike up the stairs and remount for the grassy technical section. Lots of hard turns, braking and then stomping on it out of the corner...but don't stomp too hard because it is wet and nasty. On to the bark, over the only barriers on the course, and back onto the horse track. ONE...let's go do it again.
At the whistle I immeditatly thought, "Oh @#$%, what am I doing in this race!?!?!" But then things started to come together again, a few Open A's slowed and came back to us, the 35+ group spread out to the contenders and non-contenders, the 45+ fasties went by and we were in a race.
I could see Cap'n up front for a fair bit, was actually very pleased to keep him in my sights much longer than I did at Kirkwood. Bambi was right in front of me and gave me a good carrot to chase. Lap one indicated that the legs would be tested all day as the slog through the mud was unavoidable. During the second lap, Cappy was still visible up front, and the FT3 infighting began to take shape. Bambi had burned it a little hot on the first lap and suffered on lap 2, I came by him and we came into the stairs together. Bambi's day almost ended there as cleats and wet cement gave him a bit of a scare. We traded lead a few times and then Bambi put in a bit of recovery move and got a few seconds on me. We both started to slowly come through some fading A's and 35+ers. About the same time, Cap'n's fire caught and off he went, bridging up to a group in front of him and the gunning it for an impressive pass. He was unable to shed a single Team Rev rider who pasted himself on the rear wheel of Cap'n. Moving back to the action in the back part of the race, I was starting to move back on to Bambi, closing the gap, setting up for a FT3 Duel! Coming up over the whoop, mentioned above, I inadvertently aired it out and came down with a thud, knocking my wind out. That ensured the breakage of the elastic with Bambi and off he went. Cap'n, sensing a distrubance in the force, dropped the hammer and closed the door on the "gentleman" racer behind him, who never abused his place on Cap'n's wheel but thankfully took to pull into the finish. Cap'n stayed on the lead lap the entire race, while Bambi and I were treated to see the lead rider come past, well in front of everyone else, and looking pretty damn fresh for the slog that was.
Booker and B braved the element to come out and cheer us on. B was looking for a car shuttle post race to get a ride in himself. Unfortunately, I think he ran into three psyched but utterly drained racers, not to mention the weather had made us all wet and cold. Sorry B, we owe you one. We loaded in the auto and headed home, content and happy with the results and ready for the next race!
Nov 6th in Folsom
Nov 7th in Bay Area (Free for Vets)
I am a bit toasted and sore today, but very happy for the day of real CX racing.
Until we ride
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Nov 2
Let me use FT3 for a bit of political perspective. There are gears, shocks, fat tires, skinny tires, V-brakes, disc brakes, calipers, carbon, steal, aluminum, and a slew of other options that compose the choice spectrum in cycling. Additionally as the blog states, you are going to be riding, is just a question of which bike that will be on. To that end, no rider is dragged through mud for showing on a steed that doesn't meet the FT3 belief system. No, my friends, we firmly believe in freedom of cycle! Be it a Penny-farthing or a unicycle, if you show and want to ride...actually, show up in your running shoes and go out for a loop, just show up!
I don't want more yelling and screaming in my life, unless of course you are crashing, and are therefore required to scream out like my four year old daughter, as to help us find you, I want mature perspective, judgment, and poise. Therefore, come election day, I will vote, I always do, I feel guilty if I don't, but when forced to pick between immature yelling and screaming and the voice of reason...I am writing in FT3!
Today we conquer the trails, tomorrow the world! You will notice that we are not conquering the local CX scene because outside of Cap'n and I no one else seems willing to race? What gives! Oh, but TGFT3 seems like a great idea for our second annual national convention!
With a perspective I am Lars!
Until we ride
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
"Jumping Over Fire!"
Sunday Oct 24, Sac CX race #2, Ione CA!!!!
Although the home CX course building party did not produce the turn out previously anticipated, I will say that the Big Oak venue has a lot to offer. Thanks to THTH for offering up some great PBR tasting and a fantastic walk of the estate after dinner! That course will tear your legs off if you are not careful. No literally, it will tear your legs off, I think I needed like four or five stitches due to attack brambles! Thanks again, the Barnes clan had a ton of fun!
Sundays have been pretty lacklust of late. Oh well, hopefully everyone's DTI is ready for a big showing on Sunday.
Trails should be approaching epic tonight. A good rainfall on Sun/Mon firmed up the dust that was coming back and added a good amount of moisture to the trails as they firm up for winter!
Until We Ride (Race)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Go Ride Your Bike!
Kirkwood CX was a real test of fitness and strength...I failed! Cappy took 2nd and showed he is ready to man up to the A's this year! Spot on mate. I hit the trainer last night and will be ready for a better showing later in Oct. Rock took some great photos but has some crazy security on them so I can't post them, but here is the link
So get out there and ride my friends, ride like the wind, ride like it's what you do for a living, ride hard, especially if you plan on racing A's, ride really hard, because 60 min of CX racing is a killer.
Mosquito at 5:45...Exit 54?
Still a question mark for tacos...
Until we Ride
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ticky vs Tacky
Ride Report:
Looks like NoCar and B made the most of a perfect fall Saturday and tore up Strawberry Valley FT3 style. I did enjoy the mention of a baby head finale! That is a good "rattle your eyeballs out of the socket" way to draw any day of riding to an end.
Councilman, Ghost and I took the road less traveled and, well, as the good poet says, it made quiet a difference. In fact it caused us to get Councilman home late, the bikes to get a good muddy bath, and general spirit to be higher than it has been in a while. As the trail now called "Somewhere" finally spit us back out onto Park Creek, Councilman exclaimed it was like bumping into an old friend. I don't think the route would be hard to recreate, however, it did illustrate how vast a labyrinth of trails and roads exist between 50 and MET. All I can say is that, yonder outing when atop of the Knoll or Knob, when debate ensued, its a real good thing we turned around...oh by the way, there is a second Knob or Knoll just past the first, offering fantastic views, and much bigger than the first Knob or Knoll! There is a joke in there, I am sure of it! The trails were starting to absorb the rain on Sunday morning. There was still a ways to go to get back to the epic conditions that winter can produce, but we are well on our way.
Racing update:
RG went up north and experienced Cross Crusade. He claims it was an off day, I am just happy to see that the man is actually human. Hey RG, why don't you have one of those human episodes around us, so we can all feel better about ourselves?
This Saturday is the first race of the Sac CX Series. This event will be at Harry Renfree Field. This appears to be a last minute venue change. From the previously slated venue, I am assuming this will be an improvement. However, the Saturday race is a DTI killer. Seeing how there is a Sunday option up in Kirkwood (Race #2 for the Sagebrush Series out of Reno) it looks like the season will start on Sunday for at least me. Cap'n and Bambi have both mentioned interest in the Sunday option as well. A's race starts at 11:30! Time to fire up the engine.
Mosquito 5:45...Exit 54?
Until We Ride,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Recipe for cycling goodness
2 parts blog bashing
1 dash of work place stress
6 fully kitted riders
1 new trail
1,000,000,000,000 parts dust
2 cups slick as snot pine leaves
1 good tree smack
1 non-existent, yet called, out sharp right turn
1 non illuminated light
3 extreme deals replacement lights
1 swim
Many tacos
A solo ride home
Mix all together and enjoy.
The end result is a reminder that all is right in the world and the that two pedaled machines are the way to go and the friends are friends and that dirt is fun and that well, that Tuesday is only ever six days away.
Until we ride,
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
At a loss
Local trails ala cx from Andy Wardman on Vimeo.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Midweek Morning Analysis!
The ride started with a rendezvous at the Knot Lot. I have to admit the easy roll to FT3 outings from the new house is pretty darn nice. NoHandle is coming in on the back roads and the rest of the crew B, NoCar, RG, Bambi, and Cap'n all arrived via a traditional Highway 50 route. As for tradition, we stop there.
Break From Tradition #1:
Along with water bottles, extra tubes, some food and other rides utilities, Cap'n rolled out of the Knot Lot with an axe in hand. The "Johnny on the Spot" ranger at the booth didn't even look up from the computer monitor to acknowledge this odd riding tool. We had a quick roll to the infamous stump and then let loose the terror FT3 style. Fueled by the power of Greyskull, we went fully medieval (there literally was a stoning of the stump) on that stump! In the end we refrained from an subterranean excavation, but left the area totally rideable as tested by B.
Break From Tradition #2:
We hit a new trail last night. After a few home based outings with my eyes wide open, I am starting to find some new trails. The Butcher Block did not disappoint last night. A good new single track trail taking us down to the Flume from Park Creek! As with most trails this time of year it is starting to get really loose and washouts are guaranteed, especially if your name is Lars. It is good to know B had my back was quick to announce to everyone that yes is was indeed off the bike and standing on the trail!
Break From Tradition #3:
I guess based on the last few outings this might be a new tradition that needs breaking. I was happy to see NoHandle smiling at dinner and able to move. That might be different today? He went down and down hard! Careful out there, CX season is right around the corner! As NoHandle stated himself, I think it is very fortunate that no major injuries occurred. Way to HTFU and get back to the Knot!
Totally on Tradition:
Xterric's late arrival put him on the trails alone searching for us. The beacon of light was bright and he found us at the back of the lake for a glorious reunion.
Break From Tradition #4:
Anytime you want to make this a new weekly element I am all game! RG made good last night with the team. Treating all of his domestiques to 4-2-1's and round two! After a fabulous season of racing, in proper team leader fashion, RG returned all winnings back to the team! The mood that this good will gesture created was one of the most festive I can recall at the taco table. THANK YOU!
From there we had a great night of laughs and stories. B read a complete history of He-Man and his empire. I think I will leave it at that.
Until we Ride,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
By the Power of Greyskull!

It is going to take all of my superhero ability to make it out tonight! Fear not my friends, I will indeed find that last phone booth to duck into and come out a new a super strong me Freehub-guy!
Huge weekend of racing and riding. Folsom cyclebration went off, in what appears to be full swing! B did the Super B thang and rode a really long way. NoCar and spouse rode at least 100 miles. Cap'n fired off the gun and lead the first lap of the Mt. Bike race, really being in front, even for a short time, is still being in front! Way to put the FT3 colors out were wearing FT3 colors? Green Fro added to his CX form and raced some races, can't really remember what? And RG what can we say about the God? Apparently the whole 4-2-1 thing is too much for the guy. Rock, that is how we order dinner, not how we finish races!!!! Geesh, some people can't even grasp the most simple things. Well I guess congrats are in order for the 4th in the TT, 2nd in the Crit and 1st in the Circuit...Now lets see if he can handle a 4-2-1 for dinner!?!?!
As for the really competitive rides, NoHandle and I battled on an epic FT3 Sunday outing! We put in like 6 hours in the saddle, no sprints were decided by more than a millimeter or two. I think we clocked at least two Everest's of climbing...all on fixies!
Late news: Ghost finished on the podium in the Omnium (whatever that is?)! Way to go Ghost!
Until We Ride,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Today's Call Out
The help over the weekend and last were huge, the family and I are in debt to the brotherhood and will pay back soon!
I am out tonight,
Until We Ride,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Solo Wandering in the Woods

So I was good to my claim of .6 and headed out from the house a tad late in an effort to meet the rest of the crew. An earlier phone call with Cap'n gave me the route de jour and I was confident I could get the job done. I must say the rolling out of the driveway and within 10 minutes hitting dirt was a pretty special moment for me! Once on dirt, I dropped the Qualifier, headed around the lake loop, climbed the left lip (thought I saw lights but was wrong), got out to MET and then headed out Bonetti. It was at this point that I lost my way. Cap'n had stated that the route would be Flemming to Redneck to MET to Cappy's Cash and out Bonetti. Try as I might, in the dark and alone I just could not find the connection from Bonetti the super steep part of Cappy's Cash. I sat in for awhile to try and hear if anyone was coming, when it dawned on me; "I am all alone, at night, in the dark, way out here on Bonetti, and I have seen some interesting folks camping out this way before"! So, I started to ride again. I am not too proud to say I think I was moving pretty fast, actually I was flying and well aware of every snapped twig for a 10 mile radius, yeah, I am a bit of a scaredy pants (very different than P3). I climbed back up to the top of MET on trails and then dropped Rufus to the lake and headed for the Knot Hole...when a light caught the corner of my eye. Yes, there is was again! Off yonder way was the distinct flicker of four lights weaving in and out of sight! The Brotherhood had been found! My search was going to lead to a reuniting with FT3. I turned heal and headed back on the lake loop and in short time met up with B, Xteric, Councilman, and Cap'n. They had done the above listed loop and then headed done the Lip and home via the Lake loop...there was some yo-yoing on the horse trail and Palins prior to the Flemming attack. A swim was had by some, I declined as I was still wearing arm was kinda cool!
Tacos were plump and greasy and the rye was smooth! Sauce selection was plentiful and I reek of garlic today!
I am in need of a 56 road bike for the weekend for pops to ride? Anyone have a willing offer. He has refound the fitness bug and recently did a long multi day Oregon Coast ride...I was hoping to send him up MET if I can find a bike.
Until we Ride
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Podiums and Finishes

Wow, it appears it was a big weekend for FT3 worthy of the motto:
B and NoCar are still alive after the backwoods adventure put on by Global Biorhythm Events. No word on the event just yet other than survival. Although there are reports of distant banjo music to keep the riders at full throttle.
Xterric stood on the second step of the podium at the Tahoe Xterra. He was able to hold off the charging field as he battled through some leg cramps in the run. I may have to check out this Xterra thing sometime.
Cap'n and the Lieutenant completed the MS150 raising over $1000 for MS research and care (spot on). The Lieutenant completed her first century in style battling close to 70+ miles in a head to cross wind. (Apologies on the handle, seemed the appropriate name to go along with Cap'n)
Green Fro and NoHandle put in a long Sunday ride to lay the ground work for a rippin' cross season.
I did some heavy lifting to work on the beach muscles. We were able to get keys on Friday rather than Sunday and got a fair bit moved! Big thanks to NoHandle for helping out tons on Sunday to get the last of the really heavy stuff!!!! No worries for those of you willing to help on this coming Sunday there will still be plenty to move!?!?!?!
As for tonight's ride...boy do I need to get out on a bike. I would say at this point I am a 60% in and just need to see how the day plays out. That being said, if I ride I will be rolling to the Knot Lot from the new house just to check out the route. I am 100% in for Tacos!
A few weeks back I wrote about seeking a middle. I apologize for not recognizing it at the time. I am no longer seeking the middle, I am now just curious how to share the middle the FT3 has found with everyone else!
Until we ride,
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
As we have not yet determind the name for the ride I will put it at as the {FM8FM}3RSPKFT3. Beverage to anyone that can figure out the code.
That road will have to be figured out as it was getting better and better the further out we got.
Oh yeah, don't be trying to steal my one, no one I say, no one can run into a dusty wall of dirt like me...
Not a first, but Councilman did require a first aid kit for the second time at the Knot????? Sympathy points?
Until we ride,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dog Days
Ride Report:
Yeah, we rode last week. It was good, and then we swam, felt nice to get the dust off, tacos were served. That about does it...been way too busy to remember anything else. Sorry NoHandle, indeed asleep at the wheel. But I am pulling in back from the brink and should be good to go.
Calling in all favors!
So the dream of an official FT3 club house has come true. The family and I are on the move to Pollywood. When the rest of you are passing the Camino exits I will already be asleep! Anyway, we would love some help getting all of our stuff up to the new abode. Sunday Sept 5th is going to be our big push day. Yes I know this is labor day weekend, but its is what we got. If you are around on the 5th and willing to put your truck in for one load, I would be extremely grateful. The plan as of now is to get done what we can leading up to the 5th and then gather as many trucks as possible during the later morning for everyone to take a load and then call it good. More info to follow.
Mosquito @ 5:45...Exit 54?
Until We Ride: