Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Another Tuesday, another opportunity to go prance about in the Pollywood hills. 

'Today's count off will begin with a hearty 'aught', have fun prancing. NoCar back channeled that he is out as well. It's SSFT3, keep it real, pre-br, tape off those shifters, dust off the old soldier...



  1. Is FT3 in for the 102 mile (7.4k ft) Sierra Century or the 124 mile (10k ft) route? I've got a lot of riding to put in between now and then if I'm going to try to ride with the group. Any news on the kit order?

  2. I'm doing the SS (not double metric), a super fit friend of mine is coming up from Berkley. I'm pretty sure that RG and Green Fro are joining us. I road Slug Gulch last weekend, it is going to be sweet.

  3. B, is anyone else riding w/us today?

  4. Will be there. Not sure time wise if I will be driving up early for pre riding or not.

  5. Holding at 3.
    Any slow people showing up tonight.

  6. Might be later than usual show up for me. We have to be in shingle springs to sign loan papers at 430. Gonna try my best be at the knott lot on time.
