Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Buttons, Staples and Stitches?

Amid laughter and the snapping of spandex, a hearty seven primped, primed and otherwise quaffed themselves for the main event. With Xteric's late (and unannounced?) arrival, we again had as many riders as cars in the Knott lot. Properly lubricated and hydrated, Buttons stepped up to lead us into the wildnerness.

We departed out the back door, crossed Sly Park and wound our way down the scree to the spillway. From here it was MET to the (official) pay parking lot, up Rufus by way of long sought connections to lower DH. Here we enjoyed a beverage/flat tire repair stop.  Then on up to the newly redesigned upper skid row, and to the dismay of some, a full descent of skid row in lieu of the ever tasty left lip.

From here it was a long slog up the EQ trails (including Orphans flesh offering to the gods), then down to the lake and, with a silent transfer of power, out through the campgrounds to yet another of Spawn's white gates. He then led us up another long climb to god knows where, ending up at the bottom of wedding march. It was a quick drop, with a few diversions, bushwhacking, several spills (the honors going to Nocar for best dismount), and then CCW back to the Knott. All in all, a solid early effort by Buttons , and a splendid job of shared ride leadership.

Tacos were served up hot and fresh, and we bantered about sauce combos while watching PC literally sweat out his choices. We were ragailed with "staple" jokes from our friendly local engineer/professor/inventor dude (insert nic-handle).  We offered courtesy laughs, though it would well after bedtime before some of us got the punchlines. Nocar , Spawn and I lingered over our lasts beverages, an ice cream, and a discussion of the joys and sorrows of working with emotionally disturbed youth.

Notables: more free pre-ride Mojo dispensed. The Fargo made it's inaugural appearance, and PC deftly maneuvered this rigid, fat-tire beast through the cover of dark and dust. I got to see the inside of Orphan's knee through a bullet sized hole. I'm bringing a stitch kit next time! And lastly, when not chasing the elusive "record", Spawn prefers upper-crust beers. First RG, then Spawn, who's next to abandon our "staple" beverage?

Stay tuned for the next installment!


  1. Thanks for the thorough and eloquent recap, Counselman. Reading the blog helps reinforce the good memories that make Wednesday through Monday more bearable.

  2. For the record, the number of cars in the knot lot was actually two less than the number of riders.

    Also, those not in attendance missed out on Buttons sweet new holster. It easily stowed six PBRs, all ready for a quick draw.

  3. Excellent Ride report NoCar, thanks for keeping those of us who were not present hungry.
