Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Blessed Taco

Should be a lovely night for fat tire bicycle riding. And rumors are swirling about the possible return of some long absent riders.



  1. I wish, working out of town again this week. Probably up for some weekend (and possibly Friday) pedaling if anyone has the time. Spawn and I slayed some fine Silver Lake miles on Sunday morning. The high country is still prime, and the internal combustion crowd never ceases to be amazed by FT3's range.

  2. I will be thinking of you NoCar, and the long absent riders, as I continue my absenteeism with a flat dust free road ride along the Folsom South Canal. I might be able to get away for a well-planned half-day high mountain ride if that is in the cards for the weekend.

  3. I shall return at a later date.
    My boy's birthday today, tacos at home.

  4. Counselman will return next week. Looking forward to being reconfirmed in the faith and to partaking of the holy sacrament. Peace be with you.

    1. Ol' time FT3 Revival going down right here brothers
