Sunday, December 18, 2016


Is it possible that last Tuesday night saw the riding of The Best FT3 Ever? It is possible. The precipitation was late and dry, the mood was festive, the trails were sick, and the Chickenbake was so deep that to-go tacos were sanctioned.

Crazy thing, this Tuesday may be even bester. A balmy night on bomby trails, with hints of a Special Holiday Dinner from Mrs. Taco Spawn. You'd have to be in Illinois to skip this. One.


  1. And I'm hitting Pollywood this afternoon.

  2. Aww, snap! Chicken bake has become (for me) as elusive as an appearance by RG or ODRL, or the call of the Ceagle. Good to know everything was perfect, whilst I struggled through haute cuisine, artisan coffee houses and rye-inspired cocktails up in Seattle. I did bring back a sauce offering, of the jolokia variety. Looking forward to one last installment before the holiday!


  3. Out. As stated, I'd be in Illinois drinking some 12 year scotch while riding the couch. You guys enjoy it.

  4. I too am out due to Christmas festivities, have fun gents, send pics of deliciousness, shred the gnar, etc. NoCar I will see you on Thursday, bike and light in hand.

  5. Supreme Ride Leader is IN. We will probably be getting other-than-tacos tonight.

    1. Supreme Ride Leader is Spawn, right? I'm assuming that our Dear Ride Leader Larz isn't down from Idaho. Or is he?

  6. In
    Carpool from B's house then pickup Nocar?

  7. I am in and planning to pedal up via Starkes Grade pending sufficient domestic tranquility levels upon departure . . .

  8. Was going to come out of semi retirement and send some Holiday Hills and Desents but a Peter Bug caught me.

    Keep the rubber side down.

    1. You should reconsider, RG. Tonight will be special.

    2. Well, you are obviously still able to read and type so I just assumed it really was Peter's Syndrome. Get well to ride another day, RG. I am still down for meeting up for discussing route options for that historical roll you are apparently helping plan. Skiing just got in the way last week. More Pow this weekend.
