Last Friday marked the first day of spring. Although, Sunday seemed to have a bit of winter hiding up its sleeve. As with spring and all the new that comes with it, it seems that FT3 has entered a new stage of its own, welcome to our blog. I have to admit I will miss the days of constant email chatter. It seems to volume was getting a little high, hmmmm, I wonder if the heat was just getting to be too much for a public arena (oh wait, it doesn't get more public than this...). The blog approached works for the LoCo crew and hopefully will serve our interests as well. So without further ado, this weeks call out officially begins!
3/24/09 Ride #45 (yes, I counted)
Tuesdays ride will be attacking the snow left in Pollock. I though about an alternative route, but hell we conquered the snow on skinny tires on Sunday, fat tires shouldn't be problem at all. I am placing a single day moratorium on trash talking (only placed on me, feel free to fire at will) as Monday's posts only prompted calls to reduce the volume of emails. Oh well, you can't please everyone. As for the route, come and see what ride leader has in store, or do I hear calls for a interim ride leader? Anyway around it, emails or not, snow, sleet, rain, 100+, dust, recession, unemployment, babies, wifes, or if I have to ride a unicycle, I am riding on Tuesdays (and Sundays for that matter)!!!!!!!!!!
So thats it, FT3 has entered the blogosphere. Call outs will remain on Tuesday and Friday and ride reports on Wednesdays and Mondays. I am psyched to have a group pulling off two group rides per week and will continue with the scribe duties as long as necessary. Sorry if anyone got overly frustrated with the volume of the emails, on a totally personal note, I loved them and they had me in stitches most of the the time!
Nuts and bolts: Feel free to continue to email me anything you want included on the blog. Also, photos are easy to upload so we can includes those as well. Finally, blogs are only fun when they are regularly updated, I will try and get something up at least once a day and feel free to add to the comment field liberally! Also, I will happily take feedback on the forum of choice, I was simply following Spencer's lead on the blog. I always like reading his posts and as soon as I figure out how to add his blog on my list, I will.
Mosquito @ 5:45...exit 54?
WTF, in-boxes clogged up.
ReplyDeleteActually, aside fromt the complaint, this is pretty cool. Nice work Lars.
Hope you liked the pic. I thought it fitting to give you the first round. I actually really like the shot, it captures the novelty and the chaos all at once!
ReplyDeleteThe emails will be missed, but this is something else. The picture from sunday pretty much sums up the definition of EPIC.
ReplyDeleteWe'll give this a try. I guess I should be concerned when I get more cycling and motorcycle emails than work emails; for the record, the motorocycle guys are serious trivial offenders.
ReplyDeleteWe can re-think the Paris Roubix Sunday Wafflefest. The Easter thing was not on my radar, I was just following the cycling schedule. I'm in tonight, homework be damned.
Rock God
WHo is OG and why are they not using a Taco Handle?
ReplyDeleteGreat Pic Matt, it does capture the scene. But not exactly how I remember it, maybe I was going nuts. You are so technical w/your blogging, cell phone pictures and mechanical skills - impressive.
ReplyDeleteI'm in tonight - "Three"!?
It got a lot more white by the top, I believe by that point getting down was more important than taking pictures.
ReplyDeleteDomestic responsibilities will be keeping from riding tonight but I will be sneaking in a good road ride today. Looks good Matt. I will be missing having more FT3 emails than work emails though.
ReplyDeleteI'm in tonight, FOUR!!
ReplyDeleteHey Lars, how would I go about posting pictures with the coments?
For now send them to me, I am going to look into the multiple authors rights, or maybe I will just keep it as mine and make you guys send me the pics. Can't share my baby with everyone.
ReplyDeleteSnow melting looks pretty good up in Pollock, at the high end. Check out the weather cam.
Oh Well it was worth the try. I have some pretty funny stuff to share but i'll just bring it tonight.
ReplyDeleteGot OG figured out, and I am a bit skeptical about Cap'n's image!!!
ReplyDeleteyeah, got that just couldn't figure out who was...I think it is our Utah brother, and one of the founding fathers or one of the original gangsters...actually a totally fitting handle!
ReplyDeleteHey LOtB, now that we are in a blog can we be vulger again. For example, can we write about any B related topics: Q-Tips, Boy Butter, Man Pads, etc.
ReplyDeleteLove the BLOG, but sure miss my email spell check.
I evoke FT3 rule number 7: Items to be tabled for post ride discussion:
ReplyDeleteItem number one: Pictures and/or Photographer
Item number two: Blog content rating
Item number three: 24 hour team two
Item number four: Excused absences from team training events
All I did was request to change to my personal e-mail, and BoOM, a BlOg. Nice work LOtB. I am very interested in the items listed above, but will be anable to attend tonights FT3 outing. It's lunch rides for me this week...
ReplyDeleteOut tonight. Rolling with Red Eye crew tomorrow night. DTI maintenance requires only 1 midweek absence, for now. Site is an excellent idea, though I'm sure my nazi Mailserver geeks at work will miss snooping the Ride Reports. I'll let Ghostrider comment on item #3, but I believe we have reached consensus and will proceed as FTTT24T2, or whatever official name is designated tonight. Happy trails!!
ReplyDeleteWho is this James guy and why doesn't he have a Taco Handle?
ReplyDeleteCap'n please note discussion item #4.
ReplyDeleteThis better, Cap'n? My apologies for breaking the rules and offending the group.
ReplyDeleteLars, you are already ride leader. Now you want to be team Captain as well?
ReplyDeleteYes, councilman... much better!
Not Captain, just Sgt. of Accountability! I'm thinking that a letter of intent might be in much for my moratorium huh?
ReplyDeleteDon't you have to pass some sort of qualification to be ranked?
ReplyDeleteSo is everyone else privates?
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing this is not work e-mail anymore since Ghost Rider is now talking about privates.
ReplyDeleteOK, I thought I had the role of sergeant already (you have to appoint yourself). In any case, it is hard to defend your title as Cap'n if you are not even at training camp.
ReplyDeleteLetter of Intent?
I think "Sergeant No Taco Handle" is kind of catchy. That should be your taco handle.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to see Capn is out tonight. Now I dont have to take all the heat for excused absences.
ReplyDeleteI excused myself, that doesnt count?