I am bringing a stove and some utensils, a small propane heater. People should bring a mug at least.
Bambi is bringing a 2 Gal Jug to mix up Gatorade or cyto + bike stands
NoCar is bringing 2 large water jugs for drinking etc. + a home cooked meal of some sort
C’Man is bringing some home cooked food
2 tents per team
Ghost said that Inlaw etc want to camp w/us (I think that is good, more space to share)
Lars is brining 2 Ez-ups and some own food, love seat camp chair
A few people planned on bringing ice chests full of beer
Jerry has an ez-up, 1 table, maybe a cot for Trevor if he needs to crash.
Everyone was going to bring as much as they could tomorrow and take home what was not needed: Tables, Chairs, tents, ez-ups, canisters of propane etc.
We should car pool down as much as we can.
2 cans of food required per car to get in
$5/per car parking
It will be sunny and hot
Until We Race,
Best of luck FT3, Your many freezing-dark hours will pay off