I am happy to report that FT3 took over the 24Hrs of Cool. We established ourselves as a force to be reckoned with in the camping meadow. We were almost three 4 man teams strong (A third team ran with two FT3 members and two others), 2+ 8hr Solo riders with Taco Spawn making a brief showing...lots of fans, two amazing wrenches, and tons of fun.
For camp this year we proudly flew a pirate flag and Cap'n provided marching orders via a snare drum that left others wondering, "what the hell is going on over there?!?!". After a few years of this race under our belt, we could easily steal NoHandle's tag line as this was, "not our first rodeo".

The course this year was a classic Olmstead loop with nothing really exciting added in. There were several bridges over some of the deeper mud holes or streams. Even with the bridges, there was plenty of mud. The first half of the course was marked by two or three ridiculous mud pits that kept growing and growing throughout the race. I dreaded these holes taking off for each lap, and felt moral and speed pick up as soon as I passed through the last one. Once you were through Knickerbocker, the course was fantastic. You still had lots of climbing to do, but conditions were good and fast. The pain cave was actually one of my better sections as it led to a screaming run back into the start finish area. The basic lap allowed for high speeds and a full on throw down to occur. The reality of an hour avg quickly became evident to several teams!
8HR: VD, Ghost, and Spawn all rolled out for the solo event this year. I can't remember the last time I spent 8hrs in the saddle. In fact, I don't think I have ever spent 8hrs in the saddle at race pace...It seems some enthusiasm got the best of both Spawn and Ghost as they pulled early not feeling it. VD rolled on a bit longer before settling in to the camp chair and partaking in a longer endurance event of consumption and stamina. Sorry for the briefness of the 8hr report, I didn't get much in the way of details.
24HR: FT3 was out in force in these divisions.
In the open division, I believe the combo team made the podium after racing a consistent hard pace throughout. We never heard panic or catastrophe coming from this group so it seems like things went well.
FT3 team 2 showed some first time poise coming from a spot down in the early laps to race hard for the second spot on the podium. NoCar learned the the importance of Salt! Team 1 learned the importance of Jo

FT3 Team 1: Came with a purpose and delivered on that purpose. Unfortunately, the fifth team in our catego

Special Thanks!
This is going to sound a bit corny, but for the two Four Man teams out there I count, at least 13 children (Don't know if Poptart has any strudels at home?). There is no way we would be able to pull this off with out amazing support from our families. That is 30 some odd hours without Dad at home over the weekend and many more hours of Dad being absolutely cashed! Thank you, thank you thank you. (In all honesty, I don't know if any of you actually read this thing either in secret or to keep up on us, but wife's Rock and ours are the best in the world!!!!)
Trevor, J

Councilman had a friend posted up with a trailer...never saw the trailer or the shower, or the tacos, or any of it for that matter, but others did and it sounds like I really missed out.
The rest of the FT3 family that kept us going fast all winter long on night ride, after wet ride, after snowy ride, the speed paid off with two podium spots!
Oh yeah, its Tuesday, I am out, actually would like to ride, but we have Open House at the kiddos school, probably should make that one. Mosquito @ 5:45...exit 54? If that 54 guys shows, look out, he is fast.
Until we ride,
Am I riding by my self?
ReplyDeleteOne! Not sure I have any cycling clothes, I may be in street clothes.
Anyone waiting to take the plunge.
B, RG you could really put the hurt on tonight.
I think we need to show up and ask Denise(sp?) where the heck she was.
Great freaking weekend, I think we are all still buzzing and maybe muscle tweaking too.
For the record, a ss team did 25 laps w/4 guys. Man talk about juicing. JK that is serious HTFU if you ask me (or if you don't).
I have a class this afternoon in Sacramento. It starts at three and should only be an hour long but I dont know if I will make it. No Handle, I will give you a call on my way up the hill and let you know if I am going to make it.
ReplyDeleteI've already posted my "One!". Clearly B is not reading what I write.
ReplyDeleteWell Done Men!
ReplyDeleteAfter my brief visit on the scooter, I felt compelled to follow through with my tentative Road Race plans.
The course was hillier than advertised, so a fun workout was in order. We had a five strong team, in a field of ~25. The course started up the steep finish hill. I tool advantage of my FT3 LoTB warm up skills and took off from the get go, that's right an attempt at a 48 mile flyer.
To make a long story short, my teammate and designated race day leader caught me alone and dropped me on lap 3, one more guy did the same on lap 4 and another guy on lap 6, I stayed with him on the flats and dropped him on the climbs for a 3rd place finish, totally spent. Several reminders of No-Handle advice 'pain is temporary' and knowing the FT3 crew was throwing down fueled a satisfying HTFU performance. Our team ended up 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th and one mechanical DNF; a good move up the points standings for sure.
I'm out tonight, in Oregon on business again. Looking forward to my next FT3 outing.
I'm ready for the hurt.
ReplyDeleteAssuming Barrett is in I'll call three.
I must second Lars' comments as they relate to the wrenches, the wives, and the commeraderie. I would also like to thank Team 1 for providing a stellar example. Their calm, cool, collected (C3) approach was inspiring. In the words of one of the Angry Kitties, "those guys are stupid f@&$? fast!
ReplyDeleteOut tonight. Off the radar for a bit. Business to attend to. Until then...
We should give the wrenches something more than just our thanks. Councilman, what would Joe appreciate? Perhaps a big bottle of nice tequilla?
ReplyDeleteThe abscess is just a mess. Not to mention that my wife is sick. I am wayyy out tonight.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit confused. Are you guys referring to your wives as wenches or Your wrenches as wives? JK
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, we are all quite lucky for the support we have received as well as the health (teeth not withstanding) we are enjoying.
ReplyDeleteNow, I could have said wrenches and wenches but that would undoubtedly put me into even warmer water. I'll let those with the pants make that call.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, I plan to take Joe and his wife out for a nice dinner, and maybe drop for a gift card. Maybe I'll get him some chain ring bolts...
Have him make you dinner, it would probably be tasty, he's the man!