FT3 brothren. Our trails remain under snow. We are faced with options; stomp (thru snow), slide, or ride. As you all know, I am a big proponent of riding. While the local excursions have come to have a special place in the hearts of some riders, I for one am longing for some good riding. That being said, I am proposing an excursion to Auburn for tomorrow's FT3.
While Fat Tire Taco Tuesday is becoming legendary in the Pollywood area, let's get back to our core this week and make riding a priority. Epic trails await us. Bring a sandwich, or we can bounce up into Auburn for a quick bite to eat after the ride. If we are efficient about our departure (5:15 anyone?), we could be riding right about 6:00, leaving ample time for eating and being home at a reasonable hour. My truck is going to Auburn.
24 Hour Racing
On a side note, it is important for FT3 Team 1 and 2 to know that the date for the Coolest 24 hour cancer fund raiser ride has been moved out a month, from June to July. That being said, there is still a Boggs 24 hour race on the previously held June date. So all is not lost if people want to race in June. While the July 'Coolest' date makes NoCar available for Team 2, it may have initiated problems for Team 1. If the rumors hold true, this date change may sever FT3 Team 1's composition and three year run of Coolest 24 hour same-four-member dominance. Team 1 back channel discussions are ongoing. Team 2, fire away.
Fixie Ft3 sighting
While riding with FT3 Gen 2 member, Colin, there was a fixie sighting on the El Dorado Trail. Ghost, and the long lost VD were out fixieing about on their fixies on the EDT. VD, sporting a dashing beard and sweet "Leader" fixie was reminiscing about the days of FT3 and even asked about "the Keagle." Ghost is still game to ride pff-road but needs to iron out some MTB mechanical issues that are beyond the capabilities of my home shop anyway. Hopefully we will see him or both of them again soon.
Ride like the wind,
Wow Cappy, that's quite a restructuring you proposed. New place, new time and bring a sandwich.
ReplyDeleteI can meet at 5:15 (we should probably set an earlier time, since a certain not to be named rider has been a tad tardy lately), I am not totally opposed to the long drive (these are desperate times), but, bring a sandwich?
If I show up at say 5:35 or 5:45 will be as punctual as the last guy to call out an early departure?
ReplyDeleteI too can roll early if required but maybe 5:30, with an actual roll at 5:30 not a parking lot bike shop and officer social hour.
ReplyDeleteIf we are rolling all the way to the other side of the tracks should we bring an ice chest and a bit more than a sandwich? Not sure I want to roll all the way into enemy territory ( hey just kidding) for a late dinner and THEN drive all the way back. Perhaps a bit of warm clothes and pack dinner are in order trail side. My $.02, but will go with the super majority ( not a simple one, no way)..
One more point. As 5:45 is the standing time we should be sure that no one is alienated by a change, else keep the orig time. Either way I'm in.
ReplyDeleteFOUR? (B I counted you in as you can see by my simple math and clear deductive reasoning.)
Cool, I am glad to see the concept gaining some traction. I have to admit I was a bit fearful of an all out mutiny. I also like the ice chest idea, that is a good one. I even have a small portable grill if we want to get serious about tailgating. OK, so the time change may be a bit ambitious, let's just try to stay on the early side of 5:45, for roll time like ToeHandle said (short version of too hot too handle). I am the one who gets off at 5:30, who am I kidding. I am confident I will be earlier than last week given the drive time and the fact that i am ready now, on Monday night saying... Is it Tuesday yet?
ReplyDeleteNot to co-opt, but the trail took a 'win' of sorts today, The BOS voted 4-1 to remove train tracks from Shingle Springs down to the western El Dorado County line.
Who wasn't for it? The tracks that is.
ReplyDeleteNeed I guess.
Hey, Maybe C'Man could pick up tacos in Polly Wood and drive them out to us in A-Town. Just kidding.
ReplyDeleteSo I have been relegated to that of gopher or frat pledge. How quickly we fall. Actually, I was aiming for a rendesvous (again), given I got hijacked by work last Tuesday. Looks like I need to re-assert my work-free Tuesday rights. If only they would listen...
ReplyDeleteThose would be cold, my friend. However, I do have a cooler/warmer for the van. That's right, Cappy, vans have multiple outlets for all kinds of appliances. I even have a dozen or more hot sauces. Hell, this could be the inaugural roll of the official FT3 Roach Coach.
I think the gas to get out there would cost more than the tacos, but it's an interesting notion.
Thanks for the BOS update. Good news, indeed!!
Or maybe RG can bring the leftover cookies and punch from Peter's party.
ReplyDeleteI heard peter throws a damn good party so those should be some tasty cookies. I dont get to Pollock until 5:30 so I am out for A-town. If the outing comes back to EDC I am in.
ReplyDeleteBambi - If you get to Pollock at 5:30, you should be passing Pville at 5:00pm. Why can't you make it? Do you need me to go to your house at lunch to get your bike and cycling gear?
ReplyDeleteB, let's not add more confusion to the HCF.
The reasons to get in a ride tonight are truly endless for me. However, that being said, a "timely" departure and a trip to Auburn are just not in the cards for me tonight. I may be rolling on the road bike, doing a truly shoulder season ride (clear roads, walls of snow on the shoulder) this evening for anyone lagging behind.
ReplyDeleteI fear Cap'n is not taking "no" for an answer. Does not look like racing a bike is in the cards for me this summer. Riding a bike is a totally different thing, I am game for riding. I put my vote in to paying for an adventurous ride vs. paying a race entry only to ride. Hope that makes sense.
Doing my best to keep Peter at bay. Maybe I should go to the Knot Hole solo tonight and share a taco with myself?
Snow is melting, but there is still a lot to go.
OUT, again.
1) C'Man, you did the see the "just kidding" comment right? I would not ever ask someone to do that much driving unless it was really required.
ReplyDelete2) Bambi, if you can make the usual 5:45 time, we will go at the usual time, Mr. Cappy doesn't even get off till 5:30 and his general punctuality....OK, we've been over that before.
3)Cappy, who was the dissenting BOS?
4)Cappy, do you have a route in mind tonight. I would prefer that if we make the journey, that the riding be quality and effective, otherwise I have to bail out and get my beauty sleep. As B would say, we don’t want to hear “I think” from the ride leader. Pressure is on!
5) Lars – Do you still have the June weekend avail, I like the Mtb CC excursion idea. If that weekend is booked for most of us (Sorry NoCar) then we should at least consider rolling an adventure. This option does not alienate anyone from racing the July Coolest 24 also.
6) RG, are you preparing a presentation tonight?
ReplyDelete2) I agree we should wait for Bambi if he can be there at 5:45, I already offered to go get his stuff.
ReplyDelete3)Sweeney was dissenting BOS. Same one who voted no on the 2003 EDC Bike Plan.
4)Route. Hell yes I have a route in mind and it will be kick ass. Don't you worry about that.
5) If we are not racing on the weekend in June, my preference would be to reschedule the 'adventure option' for two reasons, 1) because that is my sons birthday weekend, and 2) to include nocar. We should be able to find a free weekend that we all can make if it is just an adventure ride.
There is much to discuss at the sandwich cooler tonight.
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ReplyDeleteOK so there is some back channeling going on.
ReplyDeleteMy intent with this call out was not too alienate anyone. Just trying to make a good ride happen ala FT3.
Personally, I have the free time this Tuesday, (and it don't come free) and am interested in doing a good fun ride, pollock is under snow, so I proposed the Auburn option.
Sounds like some may be able to do a regular, more local outing. I encourage such an arrangement.
As for those who have expressed interest in the Auburn option do you want to
1) Stick with the Auburn option
2) Ride locally with others
3) Have cookies with Peter, or
4) Some other option, now that will really confuse things.
I won't do this again.
Let's get that back channel on the front channel.
ReplyDeleteI am in favor of consensus, even when it means not ditching a slow rider or going for a slightly less interesting ride.
But, what about the real issues here. Bring a sandwich?
ReplyDeleteI'm heading down the hill to the office for a late FTF meeting.
Also, still in rider rehab. Will make an appearance in April for sure.
BCC involved a 5:45 rollout from Mosquito, up into Camino, down to Cable for some play, then up to Polly and Knott for tacos. Bambi would join from his house or in Camino. B and I expressed interest, and Larz can accomodate 5 (including himself) for the return trip. If others join, another plant car or creative solution would be needed.
ReplyDeleteI'm down for the roll up to Camino and Pollywood. The more the merrier
ReplyDeleteI am meeting at the Mosq. lot at 5:45 as is NoCar and I think B. Be has some back chan. details on Bambi and Lars, there may be a congealing of members somewhere hillside today.
ReplyDeleteIt is still unclear if Cappy's "truck is going to Auburn" - sorry Cappy, couldn't resist that one. I'm down for an A-Town roll for sure, it just needs to be at the right time and planned out. I gotta go. I'm picking up C'Man at the Knott at 5:30 for a quick blast down the hill. Cappy, see you at the Mosq. lot.