Friday, April 26, 2013

Conserve Your Joules

A faction started last Tuesday's ride at a non-standard location and time. B, Newb, and I rolled through Camino, then took Cable to Ghost Mountain, to Blain, picked up the canal to Forebay and up to P Pines.

Rather than consenting to ride asphalt, we continued east on Pony Express. Newb and B were doubtful, and as we rolled further east i was obliged to ask a walker to confirm that our planned route existed. He nodded, "turn right at the next fire road that goes straight up the hill." We did that and came out on 50. We sprinted across the Highway and without hesitation continued up the road that was littered with No Trespassing signs.

We passed residents in a jeep who gave us a nervous wave. Another guy driving his trashcan down to the highway in his quad, looked at us sternly but didn't stop. We continued up the road until it became a driveway. Backtracking, here comes that dude, now without his trashcan. Again, he let us pass. Certainly, if we hadn't been wearing matching kits, we would have been shot. We picked up the smaller road that we had missed, which led to a gate and new No Trespassing signs. This was the right way. We climbed a dirt trail up to the radio tower, then down to Park Creek Road, dropped the Power Line Trail and on to the Naught Lot.   

Fortunately, Xteric rolled in the same time we did, so we weren't late. After snacks and tall cans I passed RideLeadership duties to Newb, as we had already discussed that 8a/b have been absent from our rides for too long. He beelined for the horse trail that drops below the first dam and in a fever of rut hopping fury, pinched a tube. Back in action, we charted the express route to Fleming CW and down 8a. After churning back up, I made the call for a visit to Cappy's Cache, since RG had managed to miss it the last dozen or so times we've hit it. I think Cappy took the front at this point, leading us to the Cache, back to the left lip and tacos.

We took our crowd of ten out to the back, where Even Keel started a roaring fire. Cappy dared everyone to play hot sauce roulette.  


Owing to a hiccup in work schedules, I had Wednesday free. Mrs. Nocar had business in Tahoe, so she dropped me off at the Strawberry Lodge. From there I rode Pack Saddle Pass, to Silver Fork Road, to MET, to Light Canyon Rd, to Mill Creek, to the bottom of Plum Creek, to the top of Plum Creek, to Griminger and out Park Creek road to home.Sadly, I must report that Griminger is a logging camp again and the roads through that area have been hammered by heavy equipment.


Anyone want to race? Ride the tracks down and heckle the racers? RG and Newb will be there, so it may be possible to get shuttled back up the hill.

As of this moment, the majority of FT3 is past due on paying for kit orders. These debts have been put out to a collections service (some guy named Guido) for servicing.

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