Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is the Blog going the way of MySpace

I'm pretty sure that today is Tuesday and if I am not wrong, then I do plan on riding tonight.


  1. I think I just figured out another use for a GoPro.

    I am out, committed to go to the Kings b-ball game tonight with my bro-in-law. At least XTeric will be jealous.

  2. Let's not make any rash generalizations about the blog's relevance or efficacy based on one week's record of thin response. Like an athlete, it too needs a bit of rest and recuperation that it might regain its full vitality in weeks to come.

    As for me, missing one Tuesday was more rest than I prefer. But I'm not ready to commit to the count-off until I check in with home base. Could the tentative and last-minute nature of others' ride plans explain the obvious reluctance to reply we're observing?

    See you in the Knot lot?

  3. In. 5:45 mosquito Does anyone still go to the mosquito lot? Has it too gone the way of MySpace?

    1. I'll drop by and grab you at mosquito if you want to ride with me

  4. I'll be skipping mosquito and going straight to the knott. No car, you need a pick up?

  5. Assuming that Orphan is in but simply neglected to count off, I am a certain FIVE.
