Tuesday, December 8, 2015

At least it's not Monday

So since none of those with cozy desk jobs with computers want to craft something special, here it is. Tuesday - bikes, pbr's, greasy tacos, and maybe a couple riders will show up.

Fro and I are in. Anyone else want come? Dare I say will RG be there, or that other guy I used to know. Wait, that's half of ft3. Well here's to wishful thinking.


  1. OUT.
    Mrs. Nocar said I can attend FT3 on any Tuesday when I spend the whole day at home tending to the family.
    I had to work today.

    1. I am tempted to comment on what the Mrs was doing all day while you were at work earning a well deserved break but I wouldn't dare think of it.

    2. Does this mean you're out indefinitely? Man, that grave yard is filling up.

    3. Dude! Brutal. All-caps OUT, Nocar? Let me know when you resort to waking at 5am for pre-dawn workouts like me. Better yet, get a pair of running shoes and meet me on the El Dorado trail!

      Seriously - happy fatherhood. Sounds like a bump in the road to me. I've hit many such bumps, and look at me! Wait - I haven't attended FT3 for like 2 months. Don't look at me.

      Stay strong; you'll weather the storm.

  2. I'm in. Barely able to pull myself away from my cozy desk job but I think I can just do it. I may be the only desk jocky joinnig tonight from the looks of things.

  3. In! You can count on me fellow cozy deck job jockey.

    1. Oops. deck job - that's probably what NewB and Green Fro are doing... haha

    2. Sometimes the best way to heat things up is to start a fire.

  4. Crap. I forgot to plug in my lights, it's going to be a JIT arrival or a P3.

  5. Bring some chain lube if you have any and see this in time
