Wednesday, November 3, 2010

You will know me by my....

I am an unknown, a mere streak of blue, orange, black, a little red, a dash of there are a lot of colors in those kits. Anyway, I am Lars Over the Bars, or Lars, or LOtB...nothing more and nothing less. As Lars, I often lead the rides. That is who I am and what I do. When my job is done, I often disappear into the darkness, only to emerge next week and open the book of trails to the brotherhood of FT3.

The loop da loop to start last nights outing was a little short track offering to the Mt. Bike gods.

The lake loop was in pristine condition.

My apologies for not clearing the crux and sending THTH down the bank.

There was ample carnage on the rock garden.

Much attacking began on the climb up wedding march, Cap'n got lost.

Which all led to the pinnacle of the nights trail choice!

The chopping block was, I fear not using the term, EPIC!

I safely deployed riders back to the top of the wedding march and then vanished off on yonder trail. With that I was gone, my work done! Who knows the mystery of ride leader, the mystery of the one known as Lars? Will that spandex clad warrior appear again?

Until we ride


  1. Leaving the FT3 riders to munch on their tacos and wonder "will the mysterious Larz grace us again next week, or will we be forced to rely on the services of a Subordinate ride leader?" I, for one, will be full of trepidation, anxiously refreshing the blog page.
