Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Two Headed Lion

A quick glance of the weather report over my spring break indicates that March not only came in like a lion, but, contrary to popular mysticism, will also exit in the same fashion. As the wet weather is easily forgotten in 110 degree temps, I am happy to have as much wet as possible during this time of year. The good news appears to be that this weekend should be perfect for riding, prior to the wet weather coming in. I think there is some NCNCA racing that will be pulling RG away from the county. In addition Cappy has been on the leadership front of late firing off the Team 1 mandatory ride email with a 6:45 Sunday morning rendezvous call out. Proper young man, proper. So it looks as though I will be rousing my old bones tomorrow morning before the rooster calls to go throw down with the rest of Team 1...which begs a question: What the hell is going on with Team 2? Speaking of the 24hr Race, it official went up on the dry erase board that records all events this household. This means that the race is within the five week limit of this calendar...get those engines revving because the race is on!

Hot Sauce Front:
Due to an executive order issued by our resident politician, Councilman will be returning to the fray armed with several additions to the hot sauce front. Additionally there has been some discussion of a Southwest road trip to take down the WMD Burger garnished with the potentially weapon grade Indian pepper. Intestines be damned, we can take it on!

Until we ride (really early on Sunday Morning)

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